Teaching Respect – Includes Free Respect Clipart

I’ve been staying busy the last few days with finishing up work for my second graduate class of the summer – Diversity in Education.  I’m missing my math based classes and looking forward to getting back to them as the school year starts back up.  Of course, I’m more excited about the fact that I’ll be graduating in the spring!

Our last big assignment for this class was to create a video that sent the message that respecting diversity is important.  I looked at the example videos, and most of them were just quotes and images set to music.  I tried this approach, but I quickly got bored.  And, when I get bored with an assignment I stop doing it.  That’s when I decided that I needed more of “me” in the video.  I wanted someone to be able to watch the video and think, “Sarah definitely made that!”  That’s when I decided I would have the person watching the video make a foldable.  Yes, a foldable.  I know.  Very predictable.  And, very me.  🙂

The video isn’t perfect.  I started and finished it in a single afternoon.  If this was something I was actually going to use in class, I would need to make a lot of changes.  But, I feel proud of what I created for a random homework assignment.

Want to watch my creation?  I created the images using canva.com and the video using wevideo.com.

Or, maybe you’d just like some images on respect (plus a few miscellaneous images, too) to use in some way?  The more generic images about respect, including a few quotes, are towards the bottom.  Hope someone is able to find this respect clipart useful in some way.

hello clipart
Respect Clipart we should strive to practice respect
respect clipart definition of respect
it's okay to recognize ways in which others are different than you
it's not okay to let those differences decide how you treat someone
respect clipart - respect means viewing people as people
respect clipart - respect means celebrating our differences
respect quote - respect people's feelings. Even if it does not mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.
Respect Quote - I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university - Albert Einstein
Respect clipart - respect should be the first thing you give
Respect clipart
The 3 Rs of Respect - Respect for self Respect for others Responsibility for your actions

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  1. That. Was. Awesome.

    You knocked that assignment out of the ballpark. Loved it.

  2. Wow. I am speechless. You always amaze me with your blog posts. This one was exceptional. Your students are lucky to have you.

  3. I LOVED this!

    Also, your blog looks wonderful 🙂

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

  4. Please allow me to borrow to show during one of my advisement times. Excellent!!!

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