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Solving Equations Flowchart Foldable

I discovered this solving equations flowchart foldable when I still had some students who were getting their steps out of order when trying to solve equations. I downloaded this foldable from In Stillness the Dancing. I had my Algebra 1 students glue it in our interactive notebooks.

I referred to this as our flippy, flappy, foldy thing.  I think this was one of our most-used foldables of the year so far.  Our special education teacher loved it, too.  I guess the reason why I love this so much is that it takes students step by step through the process of solving an equation.  

solving equations flowchart foldable flow chart algebra interactive notebooks math inbs
solving equations flowchart foldable flow chart algebra interactive notebooks math inbs

These are the same questions I would be asking a student if I was sitting by them and helping them.  By giving all of my students this tool and modeling how it works, I am equipping my students to help themselves.  (And, yes, my students remarked that I was WAY TOO happy about this foldable.)

solving equations flowchart foldable flow chart algebra interactive notebooks math inbs

Link to Download Solving Equations Flowchart Foldable


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  1. I have learned the do/undo method…but no examples cover problems like this:

    15-8(x-6) / -4 = 2.25

  2. You are a true inspiration! THANK you for all you do! I teach math 1 6th grade and often need to change things for their level, but the kids really love this book. Thank you again!

  3. Thank you for sharing your ideas. You are reenergizing me and inspiring me to try some new-to-me practices. Thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing your ideas. They are truly well thought out and very helpful.

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