Monday Must Reads: Volume 32

Happy Monday! After only having school three days last week thanks to President’s Day and an Ice Day, it’s going to be tough going for an entire week! Hopefully this volume of Monday Must Reads will provide you with some inspiration to get through this week of school!

Solving Equations Task

Mr. Knowles shares an awesome activity that helps students make connections between equations written in words, equations written in symbols, and the solutions of both types of equations.

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Sequences Cross off the Numbers Task

I also really like this starter activity for sequences that Mr. Knowles shared.

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Composite Area Comic Strip

Kim Spek spotted an awesome math-related comic this week.

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I learned a new vocabulary word this week thanks to the UK Mathematics Trust. Have you ever heard of the primorial of a number before?

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3 Truths and a Lie

Kerri Sustich puts a fun twist on 2 Truths and a Lie with 3 Truths and a Lie to practice substituting values to test for solutions.

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Text Message Exit Tickets

Also from Kerri, check out this text-message based task.

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Coke vs Pepsi Volume Activity

ADHS Math shares an interesting task that gets students comparing Coke and Pepsi.

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Cylinder Net Building Challenge

Do your students need practice creating nets? Check out this net-building challenge from Jacqueline Tisher. I love that students were given only 30 seconds to take their measurements before beginning to build their nets.

Triangle Area Puzzle

Chris Smith‘s Puzzle of the Week is a present to geometry teachers. The problem was adapted from UK Mathematics Trust.

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Game of Nines

Erin-Rose Schneider posted a photo of something called the Game of Nines that caught my eye on twitter earlier this week. Here are the rules: Write out the digits 1-9 on sticky notes. Make two rows of 3 digit numbers that add up to the 3 digit number in the third row.

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Quadratics Missing Constant Task

Paul Jorgens is at it again. This time, he lost the constant from his quadratic. I loved seeing how his students tackled this problem. I look forward to spending time this summer creating my own problems and then losing parts of them!

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Grandmas, Acrobats, and Ivan

Paul also has me rethinking my systems unit with this task from Marilyn Burns involving grandmas, acrobats, and a dog named Ivan.

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MacMahon Tiles Puzzle

Solenne Abaziou shares a famous puzzle that needs to make an appearance on my puzzle table!

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Slope Open Middle Style Problems

Mrs. Reams shares some awesome open-middle style problems that she created to help students practice and show their mastery of slope.

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Factoring Challenge

Julie Morgan poses a creative factoring challenge. Students not only have to factor each polynomial, but they have to classify it according to what must be done to factorize it.

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Olympic Medal Math

Chrissy Newell has been posting some awesome elementary math tasks on her twitter feed involving “Medal Math.”

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Solving Equations Maze

Jae Ess is inspiring me to make my solving equations unit a bit more exciting with a maze as practice.

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Choose Your Own Exponent Adventure

Too often, I fall into the classroom trap of everyone does the same thing. I like this “Choose Your Own Exponent Adventure” from Liz Mastalio.

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Factor Puzzle

David Wees shares an interesting puzzle from Joan Countryman.

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Vocabulary Clue Cards

Also from David, an inspiring vocabulary practice activity.

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Substitution Spider Puzzle

Inspiring Maths shares an interesting spider puzzle for practicing substitution and evaluation.

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Open Ended Questions

Amanda Atkinson inspires with her approach to asking more open-ended questions.

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Exploring Inverses with the Order of Operations

I never enjoyed teaching inverses when I was teaching Algebra 2. Luke Walsh‘s approach to inverses, on the other hand, is fresh and exciting.

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Tax Collector Task

Laura Wheeler shares an interesting task known as the “Tax Collector.”

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Until next week, keep up the awesome sharing!

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