Monday Must Reads: Volume 34
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Happy Monday! Today is the first of two days where we have to stay after school three hours for parent teacher conferences. Given that I’m still dealing with the craziness that Daylight Saving Time has done on my body, it’s been a LONG day. In three hours, I’ve only talked to four parents, so it does mean that I’ve had plenty of time to put together this week’s volume of Monday Must Reads. Given how exhausted I was yesterday evening (I normally write my Monday Must Reads post on Sunday afternoons), I was starting to think that we weren’t going to have a Monday Must Reads post this week. But, here it is! I hope you enjoy this peek into my favorite tweets from this week.

Solving Equations Find the Error Activity
Jae Ess impresses with her latest Find the Error activity.
Colorful Pi Day Poster Display
I also love this colorful Pi Day display from Jae Ess!
Math Puzzle Day
You probably already know that I’m a huge fan of using puzzles in the classroom. So, I was super excited when I saw that rupeleMX held a puzzle day in his classroom in Mexico!
Order of Operations White Board Routine
Jeff MacInnis shares a fun white-board routine for practicing order of operations.
Same Surface Different Deep Problems for Perimeter and Area
Craig Barton recently introduced the concept of SSDD problems. SSDD stands for “Same Surface, Different Deep.” The idea is to use the same visual question stem to ask different questions at different levels. Check out Andy Lutwyche‘s attempt at some SSDD problems.
Inspiring Classroom Decor
James Welham‘s classroom is a must-see.
Mathematical Christmas Display
I also love this Christmas themed mathematics display that James created with his students!
Sequence Puzzles
EJMaths shares a photo of some sequences puzzles from #mathsconf14
Perimeter and Area Tasks
Mr Knowles shares two tasks that involve the same diagrams, similar to the SSDD problems mentioned before. This makes me wonder how often we waste time creating new problems when we could just extend problems that we have already created.
Modeling Equations with Colored Counters
Rose Dray shares another photo from #mathsconf14. I love this idea of exploring equations in standard form with counters!
Triangle SSDD Problems
Geometry/Trigonometry teachers will appreciate Nick Waldron‘s attempt at creating a set of SSDD problems.
Gas Gauge SSDD Problems
Isabel Buckles has also written a set of SSDD problems. These involve a petrol gauge (gasoline for my American audience).
Points on Coordinate Plane SSDD Problems
Ben Gordon shares several more SSDD problems that he created.
Circle Diagram SSDD Problems
I especially like these circle-based problems.
DIY Tangrams from Mouse Pads
Mark Kaercher shares an awesome teacher hack involving an old mouse pad.
Ordering Quotients Task
If you’re on the lookout for thought-provoking questions to ask your students, be sure to check out the Illustrative Math twitter account!
Pi Day Volume Question
Pi Day WODB Task
Preparing to celebrate Pi Day this week? Check out this awesome Pi-Day themed WODB from Zach Armstrong.
First 10 Digits of Pi Tenzi Game
Texas Math Teacher shares a fun twist on Tenzi (one of my favorite dice games ever!) that is perfect for Pi Day.
Inspiring Escape Room
Alexia DeLuca shares a fun variation on a breakout box by having her students complete missions to rescue her kidnapped cat!
Possible Triangle Leg Lengths Activity
I also love this fun, almost no-prep practice activity that Alexia shared for determining if three legs can form a triangle.
Visualizing Volumes of Revolution
Calculus teachers! Check out this idea from Randi Munchanitis for visualizing volumes of revolution.
M&M Lewis Structures Activity
Jackie Prestegard shares a yummy way to practice lewis structures.
Math Double Letter Puzzles
Lisa Richardson created a bunch of math-themed Double Letter Puzzles, and the results have been hilarious!
You can find the mathy double letter puzzles that Lisa created on her blog!
Area and Perimeter with Plickers
Will found an awesome alternate use for Plickers cards – finding area and perimeter!
Arc Length Activity with Pizza
Allison Nelson offers up a tasty problem for calculating arc length.
Finding Foci of a Parabola with a Laser Activity
Rachael Gorsuch shares an inspiring lesson for finding the foci of a parabola.
Name the Mistake Game for Simplifying Radicals
I ABSOLUTELY love this name the mistake game from Robyn Nicole. I can see myself creating at least one of these for every single unit!
Arc Length with M&M’s
Shanna Meyer shares an arc length lesson involving a different but equally tasty food: M&M’s.
Placing Fractions on a Number Line Task
Preet Dhillon shares an interesting task for fractions. How would your students respond?
Claw Machine Question
I love this question posed by the dailySTEM twitter account.
Until next week, keep up the awesome sharing!