Monday Must Reads: Volume 42

I can’t believe that the last Monday of the school year is finally here. We have semester tests today and tomorrow followed by a professional day on Wednesday. Then, the 2017-2018 school year is officially OVER! This means I can finally start thinking about ideas for the classes I’ll be teaching next year: Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus! So, if you have any great ideas for teaching those two classes, send them my way!

Here’s my round-up of must-reads from the past week of Twitter.

3D Printed Roller Coaster Project

Megan Hayes-Golding impresses with a 3-D printed roller coaster. I really wish my school had 3-D printing capabilities.

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Optical Illusion

James Cleveland shares a image that will boggle your brain.

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Hyperbolic Quadric

I’m not entirely sure what a hyperbolic quadric is, but David Butler‘s creation of one from fishing line is super impressive!

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Student Self-Reflection

Jae Ess shares some great strategies to get students engaged in self-reflection.

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Completing the Square Starter

Amber Longhi shares a great starter for completing the square.

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AP Calculus Art Gallery

Angie Daughtrey‘s idea of creating an art gallery with her AP Calculus students is brilliant!

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Desmos 3D Printing

Mark Kaercher shares some more 3-D printed awesomeness with step by step directions.

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Draw a Mathematician

Check out these drawings from the students of Gary Chu!

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Polar and Parametric Mazes

Check out these polar/parametric mazes from the students of Kim Spek.

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Parametric Sewing Project

Also from Kim, check out how she used parametric equations for a beautiful sewing project!

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Clipboards for the 5-4-3-2-1 Challenge

Molly Hamilton‘s idea of using clipboards for posting the 5-4-3-2-1 Challenge is brilliant. This lets her change out the answer sheets between classes. LOVE it!

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Proportional Relationship Auction

Michelle Pavlovsky shares an auction she created for proportional relationships.

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Probability Task

Tall Tal shares a great probability prompt.

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Pie Optical Illusion

Ed Southall shares an image to make you and your students go hmmm…

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Earthquake Estimates

Jay Chow demonstrates how to make the best of an unfortunate situation.

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Grandparents Day Puzzles

Kathy Henderson inspires with her use of puzzles to get students solving problems alongside their grandparents! Want to get your hands on these puzzles for your own classroom? You can download them all for free here.

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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas!

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