Monday Must Reads: Volume 53
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I can’t believe it is already Monday once again. The weekends seem to be going by faster and faster lately. I have several blog posts in the works that I need to finish and share. Hopefully I will be able to knock a few out before the next Monday Must Reads rolls around. If you’re new to the blog, Monday Must Reads is my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazingness of other teachers (mostly math) on twitter.

One Displaced Cube Puzzle
Mark Trushkowsky shares a fun twist on a classic puzzle.
Geometry Art
I am so impressed by the geomARTry created by Anna Vance‘s students.
Differences of Squares and Perfect Squares Sorting Activity
I’m also saving this sorting activity that Anna created for next year’s Algebra 2 class!
System of Equations Bulletin Board
Lindsey Sharp‘s bulletin board could make a great introduction to systems of equations!
Latin Lesson to Introduce Polynomials
Michelle Ervin introduces polynomials with a Latin 101 lesson. LOVE it!
Prompts to Elicit Student Creativity
Jennifer Fairbanks shares some great prompts to elicit student creativity.
One Grain of Rice Lesson
I love how Cassandra Valenti incorporates literature into her lesson on exponential growth and asks for student predictions before finishing the story.
Alphabet Math Puzzle
Mary Bourassa shares a great puzzle from one of her textbooks.
Sub Day Pop Quiz Approach
Kristen San Filippo inspires with this approach to a sub day pop quiz.
Student Data Reflection
Looking to incorporate reflections on student data? Check out this idea from Valerie Muller.
Math Joke
Miss Dulowski shares a new-to-me math joke. Here’s a link to the joke’s answer.
Counting Triangles
Robbyn Glinsmann shares a great visual prompt for counting triangles.
Mental Math Prompt
Fawn Nguyen shares a vintage mental math prompt.
Trig Function Flashcards
James Robinson creates a brilliant twist on flash cards for trig functions. What is missing from each card?
Function Characteristics Roller Coaster Projects
These roller coaster projects from Bridget Herrman look fun!
Solving Equations 4 in a Row Activity
Mong Kon Mo shares a 4 in a row activity for solving basic equations.
Right Triangle Play Doh Problems
Mrs Stromberger combines play doh and right triangles for a fun activity that gets students moving around the classroom and solving problems created by other students.
Twix System of Equations Task
Another interesting task from Mrs. Stromberger involves a giant Twix and a system of equations.
End of Year Passport Review
Kristen Clingenpeel shares a fun method for setting up a comprehensive end-of-year or end-of-semester review.
Congruent Figures with Transparencies
I love how Elissa Miller uses transparencies to reinforce matching congruent figures.
No Calculator Volume Task
Dan Walker shares a lovely little volume problem.
O Factor Tree…
Mrs. Tangel shows how to use factor trees in a festive manner. Keep this in mind for next Christmas!
Digits of Pi Watercolor Activity
Mary Platt shares a great water-color based pi day lesson.
Jump Height Data Collection Activity
Kristina Clark shares a way to turn masking tape into a data collection activity for scatterplots.
Substitution with Manipulatives
Need a way to make substituting values more concrete and less abstract? Check out this idea from Ms Blackshear.
Geometric Compass Petting Zoo
Teaching geometric constructions? Check out this compass petting zoo idea from Mark Kaercher!
Triangle Area Mazes
John Rowe shares some triangle based area puzzles inspired by Naoki Inaba.
3D Modeling Trig Problems
Kanchan Saxena shares the brilliant idea of physically modelling 3D trig problems.
Congruence and Similarity with Marshmallows
John P lichaa shares a great idea of introducing congruence and similarity with marshmallows.
Trig Roof Trusses Project
All I have to say about these trig projects created by John‘s students is Wow. Just Wow.
Giant Banana Task
Katherin Cartwright shares a great problem based off of a giant banana landmark.
1 Through 6 Challenge
Emily Pratt shares a photo of Eddie Woo‘s 1 through 6 challenge. This sounds really fun!
Simplifying Fractions with Prime Climb Cards
I also love this new use for Prime Climb in simplifying fractions shared by Emily!
Measuring Students’ Prior Knowledge
Miss Aldridge shares a great way to measure student understanding before beginning a topic.
Transformations Card Sort
LOVE this transformations card sort from Tara Maynard!
Shape Views Project
Jocelle Skov shares a favo(u)rite lesson, and it’s a definite winner!
Algebraic Perimeters Task
Helen Scott shares some great questions for working with algebraic perimeters!
Calculus Area of a Body Project
Could your calculus students find the area of a traced body? Mrs. Tomalesky‘s can!
Piecewise Functions Bulletin Board
Check out this awesome bulletin board from Maher Calculus. It’s all created with piecewise functions!
Domino Puzzle
Jennifer Fairbanks shares a great domino based puzzler.
Until next time, keep sharing your awesome ideas and resources!