Monday Must Reads: Volume 79

It’s time for another volume of Monday Must Reads! I have to admit that I’m not as excited for this Monday as I am for some since it marks the official end of Spring Break. Now, it’s time for a mad rush to get through as much content as possible before summer begins in 10 weeks. Due to us having to shift multiple times from face-to-face to virtual learning, I am behind where I should be.

If you’re new around here, Monday Must Reads is my weekly-ish attempt at the amazing ideas shared by (mostly) math teachers on twitter. I find these ideas inspiring, and I hope you will, too!

Monday Must Reads logo.

Delicious Fractions Lesson

Ann Chevrier shares a yummy fractions lesson!

tweet with cookie fraction lesson.
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Common Factors with Hula Hoops

Alison Hogben offers up a fun looking lesson on factors.

tweet with hula hoops used as venn diagrams.
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Surface Area Cake Boss Project

Check out this fun looking “Cake Boss” surface area project shared by Heather Alexander!

surface area cake boss project.
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Earth in Five Images

Katerina Lopez shares a creative team building activity. Can you explain earth to an alien using only five images?

tweet re: earth in five images.
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Collaborative Christmas Ornament Project

I really like this idea from Angela Flick of having students write statement that describe one another that are put in a Christmas ornament as a keepsake.

tweet re: collaborative christmas ornament project.
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Bubble Gum Boxplots

These bubble gum boxplots from Miss Kauffmann look like so much fun. I would have a value of 0, though, because I have never learned to blow a bubble with bubble gum.

boxplot activity with bubble gum.
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Desmos Bridge Design

Scott Jennings shares a great project that combines Desmos and bridge design. I love that they are graphing equations on top of their own drawings. How creative!

tweet re: designing bridges in desmos.
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Sorted and Unsorted Counting Collections

John Golden shares some lovely photos of counting collections that are both unsorted and sorted.

counting collections tweet.
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Writing Equations for Flags of Different Countries

Miss Shannon‘s students created some great projects involving writing the equations to create the flags of different countries.

writing equations for flags of different countries tweet.
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Inequality Puzzle

Here’s a lovely inequality puzzle from James Tanton.

james tanton inequality puzzle.
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Pyramid Puzzle

I really like this pyramid puzzle shared by Lutterworth College.

pyramid math puzzle.
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Thumbs Up and Peace Signs Formative Assessment Activity

Jennifer Fairbanks shares a quick and easy way to do some formative assessment with thumbs ups and peace signs.

thumbs up or peace sign prompt.
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Digits of Pi Spiral

I really like the looks of this pi spiral from Amanda Garza for Pi Day!

spiral with digits of pi.
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Twelve Matchsticks Puzzle

David Butler shares a matchstick area puzzle called “Twelve matchsticks.”

12 matchsticks puzzle from david butler.
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!

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