Monday Must Reads: Volume 97

It’s been a rainy Monday full of prepping to attend an ACT training tomorrow and analyzing our spring ACT benchmark data as a math department. I thought I should take a bit of time today to put together a new volume of Monday Must Reads.

Can you believe I’m getting close to reaching 100 volumes of Monday Must Reads? Monday Must Reads is my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas shared by (mostly) math teachers on twitter. I enjoy sharing and amplifying these ideas so they can impact as many classrooms as possible.

monday must read logo from mathequalslove.

Quadratic Equation Puzzles

I’m super excited that Nicole Whitty has started a new math teaching blog with some amazing free resources! I miss the days when it seemed like everyone was sharing free resources on their math blogs, so it’s super exciting to see a new blog pop up.

I really like these quadratic equation puzzles.

Systems of Equations Debate Activity

And how awesome does this systems of linear equations debate activity sound?!?

Cuisenaire Quilt

Simon Gregg shares an awesome quilt made by a kindergarten class from Cuisenaire rods. Beautiful! Each section of the quilt represents a hundred.

cuisenaire quilt.
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Math Quote

Berkeley Everett shares a great quote about mathematics.

math quote from berkeley Everett.
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Hands on Angles Lesson

Check out this brilliant hands-on angle lesson from Sevdije Perezic.

move your fingers to corresponding angles activity.
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Teaching Transformations with Transparencies

Anna Scholl demonstrates how to use transparencies as a manipulative in geometry class.

teaching transformations with transparencies.
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Adding and Subtracting Fraction Templates

These fraction templates from Julie Morgan look very helpful!

adding and subtracting fraction template.
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Coding Laser Cut Coasters Project

Rob Morrill shares a fun coding project.

laser cut coaster project.
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Illustrating Volumes with Post-It Notes

Jed shares some excellent student work from his calculus class made out of post-it notes.

illustrating volume with post-it notes.
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Trig Question

Check out this thought-provoking trig question from Matt Enlow.

precalculus metacognition tweet.
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Puzzle Bulletin Board

Check out this puzzle bulletin board shared by eliotmath. I love that the math challenge was created by a 3rd grader for his fellow students to solve!

puzzle bulletin board.
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome math teaching ideas!

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