Monday Must Reads: Volume 86
Happy Monday! I’m coming to the realization that summer is almost over. I’m helping out with vacation bible school this week, and I’ve been telling myself all summer that I have to start thinking seriously about school after VBS is over. To help get me in a back-to school mood, let’s take a look at some tweets I have found inspiring lately. If you’re new around here, welcome to Volume 86 of Monday Must Reads, my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas shared by (mostly) math teachers on twitter.

Tetonor Logic Puzzle
Mrs. Beech shares an interesting logic puzzle she spotted in the newspaper.
DIY Magnetic Puzzles Bulletin Board
Want to use magnetic puzzles but don’t have extra whiteboard space? Check out this idea from Karen Cody!
Creating a Virtual Yearbook
I really like how Sharon Collins created a virtual yearbook for students to sign using Padlet. Great idea!
Rectangle Area Task
Check out this lovely task from Richard Perring.
Rotational Symmetry Desmos Activity
Erick Lee shares a great-looking Desmos activity that relies on rotational symmetry.
Fractions WODB Puzzle
Craig Dunkleberger shares some fraction-based WODB puzzles.
Hand Turkey Competition
Kris Karlson‘s annual hand turkey competition looks like such a fun and memorable tradition!
Don Steward Square Puzzles
Eda Aydemir shares a Polypad recreation of some of Don Steward’s Square Puzzles.
Visual Vocabulary Bulletin Board
Jeremy Deimund shares a bulletin board he created of students’ visual vocab creations. I like the idea of making it a bit of a contest!
Greek Alphabet Systems of Equation Task
I also really like the looks of this greek alphabet system of equations task for the beginning of the year from Jeremy Deimund.
Linear Equations Chalk Art
Cassie Meinholz inspires with some outdoor linear graphing with chalk. Beautiful!
Until next time, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!