Monday Must Reads: Volume 90

Happy Monday! I’m so happy that you’ve chosen to join me today for a new volume of Monday Must Reads. Can you believe this is the 90th volume of Monday Must Reads? If this is your first experience with MMR, it’s my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas shared by (mostly) math teachers on twitter. I hope you find an idea or two to use in your own classroom or to share with a coworker.

monday must reads logo from mathequalslove

Calculus WODB Tasks

Jennifer Vibber shares some WODB tasks that she created for teaching calculus.

Random Coloring Task

Looking for a fun math problem to explore? Check out this tweet from Luke Walsh!

random coloring tetris tweet.
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Inspiring Origami

If you are an origami fan, you MUST check out the twitter account of Dr. Lizzie Burns. She is continually trying out new origami folds and is a great source of inspiration for experimenting with paper-folding.

origami from Dr Lizzie Burns
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Math Art Installation in Classroom

Check out this math classroom design from Mark Joyce. Absolutely gorgeous!

math art installation in classroom
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Surface Area and Volume Project with Names and Isometric Grid Paper

How awesome is this surface area and volume project from Martin Joyce?!?

isometric grid paper project
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Residuals Activity with Guessing Ages of Celebrities

I love how Victoria Saldiveri had students choose the celebrities that they would use for their age guessing residuals activity!

residual activity
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Ideas for Introducing the Game of SET

Molly Rawding inspires with her approach to introducing students to the game of SET. I especially like how she printed/laminated copies of the online SET game for students to use to practice finding sets. Brilliant!

tweet re: introducing SET
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Chemistry Jokes

I enjoy reading the chemistry jokes that BranVanChemist shares with her students!

chemistry jokes on dry erase board
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Bad Passwords Dress

Check out this awesome bad passwords dress that Dr. Kristin Briney teaches in! Now I’m wondering what type of math dresses I could come up with…

dress with bad passwords
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Function Detectives Activity

Kathryn Kundrot inspires with an activity that engages students by giving them the job of “function detectives.” How creative is that?!?

function detectives activity
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Until next time, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!

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