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Parts of the Coordinate Plane Graphic Organizer

I created this parts of the coordinate plane graphic organizer a few years ago for my beginning of year Pre-Calculus review. As I prepare to teach pre-calculus again this year, I have been looking through my notebooks from previous years.

parts of the coordinate plane graphic organizer

When I saw this page of notes yesterday, I thought to myself, I should really share this image on my blog in case anyone else can use it in their own notes. I’m 99% sure I haven’t shared it before.

Parts of the Coordinate Plane Graphic Organizer

Feel free to insert this image into your notes if you are looking for a quick way to review the coordinate plane without having to have students draw a coordinate plane.

Parts of the Coordinate Plane Graphic Organizer

Free Download of Coordinate Plane Graphic Organizer

The image above was originally included in the graphic organizer linked below:

Graphing Ordered Pairs Graphic Organizer (PDF) (3229 downloads )

Graphing Ordered Pairs Graphic Organizer (Editable Publisher File ZIP) (1865 downloads )


Friday 22nd of October 2021

Hi Sarah, I’d really like this graphic organizer, but I can’t find the link do download it like all of your others. Could I possibly get it?

Sarah Carter

Wednesday 3rd of November 2021

Emailed you!

Stacy Parks

Monday 27th of September 2021

Hi Sarah, I'd really like this specific graphic organizer, but I can't find the link do download it like all of your others. Could I possibly get it?

Sarah Carter

Tuesday 5th of October 2021

Just emailed the file, Stacy. I wasn't sure if I needed to upload an actual file since the real download is the just the image file. Sorry for the confusion!

Mia Bell

Saturday 14th of August 2021

Can you upload the graphic organizer?? I really like this!!

Sarah Carter

Sunday 15th of August 2021

I'm not sure what file format you are looking for. I just sent you an email!

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