Semi-Log Plot Activity: Mystery Graphing Picture
This semi-log plot activity will help your students learn to plot points on a semi-log plot while having fun! Your AP Precalculus students will master this tricky graphing skill by completing the mystery graph picture.

AP Precalculus Standard Addressed
This semi-log plot mystery picture activity is designed for AP Precalculus students working on topic 2.15 (Semi-Log Plots).
According to College Board’s Course and Exam Description, students are expected to “Construct the linearization of exponential data.” This is accomplished by graphing the exponential data on semi-log graph paper.
This activity specifically helps students practice graphing various points on semi-logarithmic graph paper.
Teaching AP Precalculus this year? I have compiled all of my AP Precalculus activities in one handy spot for you to browse.
Semi-Log Plot Activity Instructions
Once students have been taught to graph coordinates on a semi-log plot, they should be able to complete this activity with relatively no further instructions.
Students are given a set of 17 ordered pairs which must be graphed on the semi-log plot which is provided. Students graph each point and connect them in order with a straight line.
I suggest having students use a ruler or straight edge to make straight, crisp lines between each pair of points.
I also highly suggest having students mark off each ordered pair as they graph it to keep track of where they are in the mystery picture process.
Once students graph all of the points and connect them in order, a mystery picture will be revealed.
To give students further practice with understanding semi-log plots, students are challenged to add a face to their mystery creation. Once adding a face, they must list the coordinates of the points they connected to form the face.
Free Download of Semi-Log Plot Mystery Graphing Activity
This semi-log plot mystery graphing activity is only available to download in PDF format. Unfortunately, there is not an editable version for this activity.
Click here to Download
Semi-Log Plot Mystery Graphing Picture Activity (PDF)
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Puzzle Solutions
I intentionally do not make answers to the printable puzzles and math activities I share on my blog available online because I strive to provide learning experiences for my students that are non-google-able. I would like other teachers to be able to use these puzzles in their classrooms as well without the solutions being easily found on the Internet.
However, I do recognize that us teachers are busy people and sometimes need to quickly reference an answer key to see if a student has solved a puzzle correctly or to see if they have interpreted the instructions properly.
If you are a teacher who is using these puzzles in your classroom, please send me an email at with information about what you teach and where you teach. I will be happy to forward an answer key to you.
Not a teacher? Go ahead and send me an email as well. Just let me know what you are using the puzzles for. I am continually in awe of how many people are using these puzzles with scouting groups, with senior adults battling dementia, as fun activities in their workplace, or as a birthday party escape room.