Monday Must Reads: Volume 54
It’s Monday, and it was definitely feeling like a Monday this morning. Discouraged by my overwhelming to do list and never enough time to accomplish enough where I feel like I made a dent, I did the natural thing. I turned to twitter. Twitter is full of amazing ideas that only add to this to do list, but more importantly it is a place of encouragement that reminds me why I’ve dedicated myself to this crazy job of teaching math to high schoolers. The inspiration must have worked because I did end up knocking quite a few things off my to do list by the end of the day.
I thought I should share this inspiration with you in case you too are having a case of the Mondays. Here’s my weekly-ish twitter round-up of math teacher awesomeness. I hope you find some inspiration in these posts.

Triangle Artwork Project
Julie Skokan inspires with some student artwork inspired by their unit on triangles. What a way to highlight student creativity!
Race Around the World Protractor Game
Cassidy Yasinski makes learning to use a protractor fun with this race around the world game.
Important Math Symbol Poster
Karen Swift shows an awesome poster made by one of her students to help the class remember important symbols. Beautiful!
Math Hallway Bulletin Board
Alice Aspinall shares an inspiring bulletin board.
Exploring Percentages with Coupons
Mrs N Math uses a craft store coupon for a great exploration into percentages.
Dessert and Central Angles
Mrs Aly Martinez shares a great real-life image to discuss central angles (or non-central angles!)
Using Circles to Graph Mickey
Samantha Hong cleverly uses graphing Mickey Mouse to introduce equations of circles.
Desmos Self-Reflection
Brewer shares a template for asking students to self-reflect using Desmos.
100 Math Expressions for the 100th Day of School
What better way to celebrate the 100th day of school than creating 100 math expressions that are equivalent to 100?!? Shout-out to Maddie Garcia for the awesome idea!
Dilation Projects
Stacy Landgrebe shares some awesome student dilation projects.
Surface Area and Volume Project with Oreos
Here’s another awesome geometry project, this time featuring surface area and volume (and oreos!) from Miss English.
100th Day of School Math Sign
I love this 100th Day of School sign from Ms Wadsworth!
School Spirit and Calculus
Elizabeth Mendenhall combines school spirit with calculus on Fridays.
Approximating the Area of Countries with Desmos and Calculus
Chris Evans uses Desmos to explore estimating the area and perimeter of countries. How cool!
Famous Female Mathematician Portraits in Desmos
Ready to be even more blown away?
Student Growth Display
Mimi Williams shares an awesome display for highlighting student growth.
“Heart Attacks” to Improve School Culture
Alicia Bena puts a positive spin on giving your coworker a “heart attack.” This is an awesome idea for Valentine’s Day!
Pass the Board Activity for Solving Equations
Lisa Broadbent shares a practice structure idea called “Pass the Board.”
Rorschach Reflections
Mrs Voisinet uses art to teach properties of reflections.
Graphing Inverses of Sports Logos
Mr Zrenner combines sports logos with graphing inverses.
Triangle Stained Glass
Mallory Jennings combines triangle practice with stained glass creation. What a beautiful result!
Geometry Valentines Bulletin Board
This bulletin board of Geometry Valentines from Mrs. Bradley is gorgeous!
Triangular Christmas Tree Art
I know Christmas seems a long way off, but I love these triangular Christmas trees from Mark Ekstrom too much not to share in February.
Conics with Ice Cream Cones
M Hanks Teach LHS introduces conics with ice cream cones. Yummy!
Finding Math Lesson Inspiration
Rachael Gorsuch shows that math lesson inspiration can be found anywhere!
Volume of 3D Shapes Project
Laura Boyer shares a fun but messy looking project involving volume.
Mathematical Valentine Contest
Garis Math shares a winning mathematical valentine.
Snow Angles
Too many snow days? Ms. Edwards shows that learning doesn’t have to stop.
Review Day Flow Chart
Sarah Shartzer shares a lovely flow-chart for directing student actions on a work day/review day.
Origami Hearts and Fractions
Mark Kaercher combines origami hearts with fractions.
Probability Wrap-Up Activity
K Roth shares a great, self-checking wrap-up activity for probability.
Quadratic Link Up Activity
John Rowe shares a awesome parabola-based puzzle.
Desmos Valentine’s Project
Dawn shares a lovely Valentine’s project involving Desmos and mathematical poem writing.
Comparing Rubber Bands Stats Lesson
Kay Kubena shares a great stats lesson involving rubber bands.
100th Day of School Data Collection Activity
Ms Peterson shares a data collection activity for the 100th day of school.
Pass the Dice Activity
Tiffany McGuire shares a way to turn a popular party game into an engaging math lesson.
Trig in the Hallway
Abbey Turchyn takes trig out into the hallway.
Logarithm Laws Match-Up Activity
Cassandra Valenti shares a cool looking way to practice applying the laws of logarithms.
Algebra with Hula Hoops
Ms J Brown shares a fun-looking algebra activity involving hula hoops.
Organizing Plickers
Check out this awesome teacher hack from Suzette Rodriguez for organizing Plickers!
Hands-On Slope Activity
Nickeva shares a great, hands-on exploration of slope.
Slope and Similar Triangles Exploration
I also this hands-on exploration of slope and similar triangles.
Dabbing and Geometry
Anne Erehart illustrates a connection between dabbing and geometry.
Smarties Angle Activity
EDMScott shares a clever idea for using smarties to mark different types of angles.
Examples and Non-Examples Anchor Charts
Holly Parker shares a structure for introducing vocabulary using examples and non-examples.
Snapchat Streak Challenge
Nicholas Springer shares an idea for incorporating Snap Chat into the classroom.
Whiteboard Angle Challenge
Also, check out this angle challenge from Nicholas Springer.
Sidewalk Math
Brian shares some inspiring sidewalk math. Maybe you could try something like this at your school or in your community!