Graphing Ordered Pairs Foldable
I created a new ordered pairs foldable that I am super excited to share with you.
While teaching Saturday School, I created this foldable. Instead of designing a foldable for one of my future units, I created a foldable for a past unit. I’ve had several visitors come to my blog after searching for an ordered pairs foldable. I hadn’t made an ordered pair foldable, but seeing the search term inspired me to create this foldable. I apologize that the pictures are not super-high quality.

This ordered pair has multiple layers. First students select if they have a positive or negative value for x and y.
Their selection tells them which way to move on the graph in order to graph the ordered pair on the coordinate plane.
Here’s what it ended up looking like when I made it with my students to glue in our Algebra 1 interactive notebooks.
Free Download of Graphing Ordered Pairs Foldable
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Ordered Pair Foldable (PDF)
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Ordered Pair Foldable (Editable Publisher File ZIP)
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The clock is neat. I like that it spurred the students to talk about the numbers and what they mean. Hopefully that's a good sign the students in your M-F classes will have similar meaningful conversations. Good luck!