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Math Welcome Poster Banner

I’m extremely proud of this math welcome poster banner I created!

close-up of math welcome poster banner with letters made out of math symbols.


So, I’m not at #TMC16, but I’ve been following along with the adventures on Twitter as best as I can.  I’ve seen a ton of tweets about Sara VanDerWerf‘s math-y badges.

If you haven’t seen her blog post about them, you definitely need to check it out here!

Working at a tiny, rural school means that everybody in the school knows everybody, and there is no need for a name badge.  I loved the idea behind the badge, so I decided to incorporate it in a different way.

I have a new classroom this year because our school is consolidating 7th – 12th grade into a single building.  A previous teacher left a “Welcome” banner poster behind the door, but Shaun and I decided it just didn’t match my style of decorating.  I’ve been pondering how to decorate outside my classroom when it dawned on me that I could make my “Welcome” sign math-y!

Individual Letters

I started playing around in Publisher to create math-y letters.

I printed each letter on a different sheet of colored paper.

Over the years, I’ve hung these posters in my classroom both horizontally and vertically.

math welcome poster banner hanging in high school math classroom.

Here are my math-y welcome posters outside the door to my classroom:

math welcome posters hanging vertically next to classroom door.

Free Download of Math Welcome Poster Banner

Click here to Download
Math Welcome Poster (PDF)
12609 downloads – 64.42 KB

Click here to Download
Math Welcome Poster (Editable Publisher File ZIP)
4509 downloads – 220.59 KB

Want more posters to decorate your middle school or high school classroom? Check out my posters page!

Math welcome poster outside math classroom

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  1. Thank you so much for your posts! I have been looking for something for my door all summer and this is PERFECT!!

  2. Yay! Thanks! Can't wait to print these and put them next to my classroom door!

  3. Thanks Sarah for your willingness to share everything!!! You and your blog are awesome.

  4. Sarah – thank you so much for this! I'm putting it OUTSIDE my door…it will be the best door in the hallway!

  5. Hi Sarah,
    The pdf is not allowing me to open it from box. Could you email it to me? connorsbethany[at]gmail.com Thank you!

  6. This is so awesome!! Looking forward to putting these up in my classroom. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  7. I love this; I have been looking for this, subconsciously, for a long time. I never thought about creating it, smart you. Thanks again. 🙂

  8. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing!! All math teachers in my school will use it this year!!

  9. Thank you for sharing the pdf. I can't wait to put this up next to my classroom door!!!

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