Monday Must Reads: Volume 40

Happy Monday! It would be a happier Monday if I hadn’t managed to come down with my third cold of the school year, but I am excited about the fact that after today there are only two Mondays left in the school year! As I do almost every Monday, here is a collection of my favorite finds on Twitter for the week. I’ve deemed these my “must reads.”

monday must reads logo.

Loop Puzzle

Vincent Pantaloni shares an awesome geometric, loop-making puzzle.

loop making puzzle from vincent pantaloni.
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Probability Carnival

I love looking at the probability carnival games created by Megan Kleinkort‘s classes!

probability carnival game.
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probability carnival game.
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spicy dice probability carnival game.
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DIY Fractals

Andrea inspires with some paper-based fractals.

diy paper fractals.
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Containers WODB

I wish I could see the world through Simon Gregg‘s eyes. Check out this awesome WODB.

containers wodb task.
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Tessellating Gummy Bears

Kathy Henderson shares a photo of some awesome tessellating gummy bears that a student found.

tesselations with gummy bears.
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Trig Identity Poster Project

I should be teaching trig next year, so I’m excited to see these posters for proving trig identities from Mr. C. Martinez.

trig identiy poster project.
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Probability with M&M’s

Robert Teseo motivates probability with a fun activity involving m&ms.

m&m probability activity.
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Pascal Triangle Art

Check out these Pascal’s triangles colored by Kristen Fouss‘ students in mod 5!

artwork with pascals triangle and modular arithmetic.
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Logistic Functions and Zombies

Smiley face stickers and zombies?!? Check out this awesome lesson from Rachael Gorsuch that simulates disease spread and the logistic function.

logistic function zombie activity.
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Agree, Disagree, Unsure?

Rick Barlow shares an inspiring classroom activity structure involving agree, disagree, unsure.

agree, disagree, unsure cards.
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Unit Circle Spoons

Jackie Mariscal inspires with a fun game of spoons to master the unit circle.

unit circle spoons game.
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Systems of Equations Candy Task

I love when teachers share their favorite tasks/questions. Check out this systems of equations task from Tiffany McGuire.

systems of equations candy task.
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Spinning to Create Points

Michael Moore uses a spinner to motivate writing an equation of the line that goes through two points.

spinning to create points for equation activity.
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas!

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