Monday Must Reads: Volume 43

It’s Monday. It’s the first full week of summer vacation. And given the fact that I know what classes I will be teaching next year (Algebra 2, Pre-AP Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus/Trig), I am in a full-on search for ideas for next year! I’ve previously taught both Algebra 2 and Trig, so I’m mainly on the lookout for Pre-Calc ideas. So, if you think that this post has more pre-calc resources than usual, then you’re definitely right.

I hope you enjoy this look at this week’s “must read” posts on twitter.

monday must reads logo.

Mathematics of Bank Notes

Vincent Pantaloni highlights some mathematics found on a Swiss bank note. How cool!

banknote with mathematical artwork.
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Square and Equilateral Triangle Puzzle

Ed Southall shares yet another awesome geometric puzzle.

equilateral triangle and square geometry puzzle.
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Russian Egg Roulette Probability Lesson  

John Rowe shares a brilliant lesson based on videos of Russian Egg Roulette.

egg russian roulette probability lesson.
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Mechanical Binary Counter

Teaching binary? This video of a mechanical binary counter (shared by Massimo) is amazing.

video with binary mechanical counter.
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Symmetry Displays

Aline Bègue-Crézé shares some awesome interactive displays involving symmetry.

classroom displays re: symmetry
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Spiral Coloring Self-Checking Activity

I also love this self-checking activity shared by Aline. Each student in the pair gets a set of problems to solve. They must color their spiral based on their answers. When both students finish, their colored designs will match perfectly if no mistakes have been made.

spiral coloring self-checking activity.
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Parallelogram Murder Mystery Activity

Aline continues to inspire with this activity where seven poor parallelograms were brutally murdered. Students must collect clues to find the identity of the murderers.

parallelogram murder mystery.
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Squiggle Drawing

Jennifer Fairbanks brings out the creativity in her students by including a test question that asks students to make a picture out of a squiggle.

squiggle drawing activity.
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Desmos Vroom Vroom Pullback Car Lesson

Paul Jorgens masterfully combines Fawn‘s classic Vroom Vroom lesson with the power of Desmos.

desmos vroom vroom pull back car lesson.
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Desmos WODB with Square Root Graphs

Paul also demonstrates the power of Desmos when combined with a WODB

square root graph desmos wodb
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Zero Product Property in the Wild

David Sladkey shares a great image of the zero product property in the wild.

chalkboard reading "$1 off all drinks...water costs double."
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Quadratics Progression Tables

Additionally, David‘s use of progression tables for graphing quadratics is brilliant.

quadratics progression table.
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Clothespin Factoring Activity

This clothes pin factoring activity from Ms. Wilton looks fab!

clothespin factoring activity.
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History of Math Bulletin Board

Ms. Kaub shares a lovely bulletin board that covers the history of math.

bulletin board with history of math.
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Literal Equations Name Project

Need a creative way to motivate solving literal equations? Check out this name project from Ms. Kaub.

literal equations name project.
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Hands-On Geometric Proofs with Popsicle Sticks

Nick Corrado uses popsicle sticks to create hands-on geometric proofs.

popsicle stick geometric proof activity.
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AP Statistics Murals

How awesome are these AP Statistics murals in the classroom of Andrew Rosenbloom?!?

ap statistics murals.
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Regression Project for Words with Friends

I’ve never played Words with Friends before, but I like the idea of using your name’s score as part of a regression project. Check out this idea from Andrew Rosenbloom!

words with friends regression activity.
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Fibonacci Poems

Want to infuse some poetry into your math classroom? How about trying some Fibonacci poems like Megan A. Uken did?

fibonacci poems.
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Unit Circle Error Finding Task

I love this error finding task involving the unit circle from Ms. K!

unit circle error finding task.
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Christmas Tree Math Craft

Kerri Homan inspires with a math-themed Christmas craft. It’s never too early to start thinking about how you will celebrate this year!

craft involving math and christmas trees.
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Unit Circle Mystery Activity

This activity from MrsG looks like a lot of fun for trig students. Will your students save the Unit Circle?

unit circle mystery activity.
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Calculus Coloring Book

Mrs. Stelzer shares some impressive student work. Wow. Just wow.

calculus coloring book.
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Vector Story Telling

Scott Block inspires with this project where students tell their stories using vectors.

vector story telling lesson.
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Vector Racing in the AP Calculus BC Olympics

This vector racing activity (part of a larger BC Calculus Olympics) from Linda Schmidt looks awesome.

vector racing calculus olympics.
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Volumes of Known Cross Sections with Chop Sticks and Post-It Notes

Chop sticks and post-it notes in math class? Check out this calculus lesson from Maria Hernandez!

chopstick and post-it note ativity for solds of known cross sections.
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Unit Circle Haikus

Valerie Capps encourages students to reflect on what they have learned about the unit circle by having them write haikus.

unit circle haikus
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Equation Sign Tradition

Another inspiring idea from Valerie: students design a nameplate or name sign for teachers in the school. Each letter of their last name is represented by an equation that equals that letter. Each student is assigned a different teacher. From reading some other tweets, it appears that this has become a tradition that is looked forward to every year. One counselor at the school tweeted that she had waited 3 years to receive her sign!

literal equation sign tradition.
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Parent Function Art

Ms. Peterson combines art with parent functions for a fun day in class before break.

parent function art.
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Sinusoidal Graphs of Sunrise and Sunset Times

Mr. Guzik shares a real-world application of trigonometric graphs.

sinusoidal graph of sunrise and sunset times.
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What are the Odds? Probability Project

Steve Mancuso shares the results of a fun-looking probability project.

probability project called "What are the odds?"
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Exploring Exponential Functions with Paper Cutting

I love this paper-based lesson on exponential functions from Darcie.

exponential function paper cutting activity.
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Calculus Solid of Revolution Project

Divya Kaushal‘s students went all-out with this solid of revolution project.

calculus solid of revolution project.
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Thanksgiving Related Rates Problems

I also love how Divya had students write Thanksgiving themed related rates problems!

thanksgiving related rates problem.
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Creative Name Lines on Assignments

Lynn Kazda shares a simple way to put a smile on students’ faces on test day!

creative name lines on assignment.
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Illustrating Mean with Manipulatives

I’ve done a 2-D version of this lesson with towers drawn on paper, but I love the idea of illustrating mean as an equal stacking with 3-D manipulatives. Thanks Mrs. Freeland for sharing the awesome idea!

equal stacking for visualizing mean (average) with manipulatives.
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Physical Models of Quadratic Equations

Love looking at how the students of Jolene Shotwell brought quadratic equations to life!

physical models of quadratic equations.
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Calculus Volume Projects

These calculus volume projects by the students of Meghan Arnold are gorgeous!

calculus volume projects.
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Survival of the Fittest Project

This survival of the fittest activity from Pamela J Burleson looks interesting!

survival of fittest activity for classroom.
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survival of fittest activity for classroom.
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Exponential Function Visual

Also from Pamela, check out this awesome visual for exponential functions.

visual of exponential growth with alice in wonderland.
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Probability and Statistics Journal Writing Activity

Rebecca Swanson demonstrates that writing belongs in more than just English class.

probability and statistics journaling.
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Radian Gallery

Check out this mini learning gallery from the classroom of Rebecca Swanson.

1 Radian gallery in classroom.
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Natural Log Pun

Nellie Dawson demonstrates the power of puns in the classroom.

natural log pun.
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Pi Necklaces

I love Ms. R‘s idea of making pi necklaces on Pi Day!

pi necklaces with color-coded beads for digits of pi for pi day.
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Asymptotic High Fives

Have your students learned how to give an asymptote high five? Check out this video from SHS Math Department!

asymptotic high fives.
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Normal Graph of Minneapolis

Aran Glancy shares a math-ified photo of Minneapolis.

minneapolis skyline as a normal curve.
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AP Statistics Inspiring Posters

Damion Beth shares some awesome locker signs to pump students up for AP Stats testing.

ap statistics posters.
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Take it to the Limit Poster

Angie Daughtrey shares a creative student project that will have you bursting into song.

take it to the limit math poster.
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String Art with Circle Boards

Tammy Casey showcases some beautiful string art.

string art on wood with nails.
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Themed Review Days

Every year, Mary Williams amazes me with her themed review days for state testing.

themed end of year test review.
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End of Year Feedback

Kristen Fouss shares a quick and easy way to gather end-of-year feedback.

end of year feedback form from Kristen Fouss.
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Pythagorean Theorem Scavenger Hunt

Lisa Richardson has got me thinking that I need to start planning outfits around activities in class.  Of course, I don’t know if I could compete with this adorable activity!

Pythagorean Theorem Scavenger Hunt activity.
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Geometry Kite Project

Deb Bulin inspires with a geometry project involving kite flying.

geometry kite flying project.
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Slope Art

Jae Ess shares a beautiful slope display created by her students.

slope art display.
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Week of Inspirational Math Posters

Sophie Kasahara has students create posters to wrap up their week of inspirational math. Love the reminder that these posters will serve to students!

posters from week of inspirational math.
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Mario Activity

I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, but this activity from Beatriz Nino has me mesmerized.

mario anamorfims.
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Exponentially Modelling Engagement Data

Nicole Ayers has students interact with some real-world (and very depressing) data.

real-life example of exponential decay.
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Inviting Students to Ask Questions

Howie Hua shares some sage teacher wisdom.

howie hua tweet re: asking questions.
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Scrabble Probability Warm-Up

Ryan White shares a simple but effective probability warm-up.

simple probability warm-up with scrabble tiles.
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Volume Missing Length Problems

Paul Smith shares a creative set of volume problems.

volume missing length problems.
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Angle Display Outside Classroom

Stephanie MacKay makes sure you know you’re entering a math classroom right away. Love it!

angle display outside classroom on floor.
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Wheel of Theodorus Projects

I am continually amazed at what students come up with when assigned a Wheel of Theodorus (or Spiral of Pythagoras) project. Check out this work from the students of Martin Joyce!

spiral of pythagoras artwork.
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Quadratics in Golf

Wendy Bartlett shows the application of quadratics in relation to golf.

illustration of quadratics in golf.
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Pythagorean Theorem Error Analysis

Christopher Klerkx shares some student work that will make you think!

pythagorean theorem error analysis.
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Math Goals Display

I love this beautiful math goals display from Renee Chipman!

math goals bulletin board.
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Teacher Appreciation Bouquet

Tina McNally shares a Teacher Appreciation idea that is both cute and heartfelt. Maybe I will have my students make bouquets for each teacher next year? Hmmm…

teacher appreciation bouquet.
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Patty Paper and the Unit Circle

Julia Anker‘s combination of tracing paper and the unit circle is pure brilliance.

unit circle activity with patty paper.
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Illustrating Combinations with Clothes

Props in math class make any lesson better. Check out cLarsen‘s use of her daughter’s clothes to illustrate combinations.

clothesline combinatorics activity.
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Area of a Trapezoid Game

Annie Giercyk shares a creative way to practice finding the area of a trapezoid.

game with finding area of trapezoid.
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Surface Area of Cones Meets Wacky Hair Day

Happen to be teaching the surface area of cones on wacky hair day? Then, Roy Tomlinson has an idea for you!

surface area of cones on wacky hair day.
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Predicting Colors of M&M’s

Not so lucky to have those two very specific events collide? Here’s another lesson idea from Roy that can be used any day. Do you think that you could tell the difference between a brown M&M and a colored M&M without looking?

ap statistics activity re: tating m&m's
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Properties of Logs Notice and Wonder

Patrick Flynn shares a great notice/wonder image for properties of logs.

notice and wonder task re properties of logarithms.
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Fractional Exponents Desmos Exploration

This fractional exponents/radicals exploration activity from Mark Kaercher is truly a beautifully structured lesson.

desmos exploration for fractional exponents.
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The Mathematical Cost of a Prank

Are your seniors contemplating a prank? Have them do the math to find the cost! LOVE this idea from Stephen Dull!

calculating the cost of a prank.
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Mondrian Artwork with Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Working with parallel and perpendicular lines? Prof Maths suggests having your students make some Mondrian artwork.

mondrian art activity with parallel and perpendicular lines.
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Parent Function Family Album Project

James Edstrom helps students keep their parent functions separated in their minds by creating a family album of sorts.

parent function family album activity.
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Parabolas with Play Doh

James also shows that Play Doh has a place in the secondary classroom.

play doh probability activity.

Continuity with Play Doh

exploring continuity with play dough in calculus.
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Even and Odd Functions with Play Doh

even and odd functions activity with play doh.
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Volumes of Solids with Play Doh and Construction Paper

volumes of solids illustration.
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Thanksgiving System of Inequalities

Carolyn Lantos shares a Thanksgiving-themed system of inequalities.

thanksgiving system of inequalities.
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Pin the Radius on the Circle Game

Laura Frcka shares a new-to-me idea for Pi Day: pin the radius on the circle.

pin the radius on the circle game.
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Valentine’s STEM Project

Marianna Jennings shares a Valentine’s STEM project.

valentine's stem project.
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Zometool Exploration

Peg Cagle shares an exploration involving Zometool.

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Space Filling Project

I continue to be amazed by the development of this space-filling project by David Butler.

david butler space filling project.
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas!

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