Monday Must Reads: Volume 48
Happy Monday! I haven’t spent as much time on twitter lately as usual, so I know I have missed out on some awesome tweets. But, I decided to go through my twitter likes and see what was worth sharing anyway. And, wow, you guys did not disappoint! Sorry to anyone whose awesomeness I missed during my twitter absence, I will try to make up for it later!
I hope you enjoy this collection of Monday Must Reads and can find a useful idea or two or three to use in your classroom!

Outdoor Box and Whisker Plots
Julia Anker shares an awesome way to bring boxplots to life and give them meaning. This is simply brilliant!
Hula Hoop Venn Diagrams
Have some hula hoops laying around? Check out this idea from A. Morgan. This could be extended to so many different grade levels.
Teaching Trig with Hula Hoops
Speaking of hula hoops, I can’t wait to see how Jonathan Lind teaches trigonometry using hula hoops.
Hallway Dry Erase Board
Andrea Perry-Plattsm makes me wish I had a dry erase board in the hall outside my classroom!
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines WODB
Tori Cox shares a new WODB she created for parallel and perpendicular lines.
Thankfulness Wreaths
Liz Mastalio continually impresses me with the creative activities she comes up with to emphasize thankfulness among students.
Combining Like Terms Pyramid Puzzle
Peter Drysdale shares a lovely puzzle for combining like terms.
Interactive Bonding Activity
rupeleMX shares a photo of an awesome interactive activity he uses with his science students. How could we learn to make math more visual?
End Behavior with Bendy Straws
Kristen San Filippo offers up the brilliant idea of using bendy straws for end behavior of polynomials.
Twister with Transversals
I love how creative Elissa Miller is with her geometry classes. Who would have thought of playing Twister with transversals?!?
1:1 Teacher Magnet Hack
Elissa also shares a great teacher hack for those of us who are 1:1.
Rational Functions Task
Jacob Wagner shares a great summative task for polynomials and rational functions.
Frayer Model Illustrations
I love how Susan Hewett has students draw an illustration as part of their Frayer Models!
Increasing Anticipation
Stacy Benton shares an easy way to increase student excitement and anticipation!
Desmos Jack-o-Lanterns
I definitely want to find a way to fit Desmos jack-o-lanterns into my curriculum next year! Thanks to Patty Stephens for sharing.
Exponent Rules Auction
I love seeing other teachers make creative auctions to use in their classrooms. Check out this exponent auction from Michelle Pavlovsky.
Integers Three in a Row
This Three in a Row Activity from Math with P Nik is brilliant.
Like Terms Search Activity
This like terms search makes me really miss teaching Algebra 1! Thanks to Sarah Giek for sharing!
Jewish New Year Challenge
I love how Grw029 modified the 2018 Challenge to celebrate the Jewish New Year.
Ultimate Tic Tac Toe
Chris Prystenski‘s post about Ultimate Tic Tac Toe inspired me to show the game to a couple of students in my class who I caught playing regular Tic Tac Toe in their spare time. So fun!
Tug of War Systems of Equations Puzzle
Mary Ellen Riley shares a new twist on the traditional system of equations puzzle.
Math is Life
I adore this “Math is Life” display from Ms. G!
Factoring Beast Task
Mr. Gray shares an absolute beast of a factoring task, and I LOVE it! It is a free download from TES.
Sentence Starter Posters
I love these sentence starters from MPS Secondary Math!
Twos to Nines Challenge in Dry Erase Pockets
I love how Math by the Mountain modified the 2s-9s challenges to make the dry erase and double sided!
Smallest Positive Integer Contest Trophy
Todd Feitelson is so creative with 3D printing and implementing the Smallest Positive Integer Contest!
Magical Coin Lesson for Exponential Growth
After this lesson, I imagine Alexis Pleasant‘s students will never forget the power of exponential growth!
Until next time (not promising it will be next week since we all know how long it’s been since my last Monday Must Reads post…), keep sharing your awesome ideas!
Maybe you will like my idea too