Monday Must Reads: Volume 56

Yes, I know that yesterday was Monday. But, I’m reaching that point in the semester where I am in deep need of motivation and inspiration. So, I figured I should compile a new volume of Monday Must Reads – a weekly-ish round-up of Twitter awesomeness to get my brain running with new ideas. And, we’ll just pretend that it’s Monday, okay?

monday must reads logo.

Without further ado, let’s look at the awesomeness you guys have been sharing!

Mom’s Fridge Rubric

Gnlybe shares an awesome rubric based on Mom’s fridge. LOVE this!

mom's fridge rubric.
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Surface Area with Cereal Boxes

Katie Reneau deconstructs a Cheerios box to illustrate surface area. Brilliant!

illustrating surface area with cereal boxes.
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Human Parabolas Activity

Steven Korney shares an awesome photo from Steve Szabo‘s classroom of students creating human parabolas.

human parabola activity.
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Pi Day Passport

Megan Geltner inspires with a Pi Passport idea. Perfect if you’re already thinking about how to celebrate Pi Day 2020!

pi day passport activity.
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Combining Whiteboards with Desmos

Robin Kubasiak shares a great idea for combining low-tech whiteboards with high-tech Desmos.

tweet re combining desmos and whiteboards.
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Create Your Own Arithmetic Sequence Puzzles

Tori Cox had her students create their own geometric sequence puzzles in the style of Naoki Inaba. Check out his arithmetic sequence puzzles here.

students making their own arithmetic sequence puzzles.
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Faculty Art Submission with Desmos

Ella Hereth inspires with her faculty art submission.

desmos art printed on canvas.
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Cartoon for Memorizing Quadratic Formula

Artistic skill obviously runs in the family. Check out this comic that Ella had her father draw for helping students remember the quadratic formula.

cartoon for memorizing quadratic formula.
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Self-Paced Elementary Math Program

Jennifer Abel shares an intriguing peek into a self-paced fourth grade math program. Very interesting!

self-paced elementary math classroom.
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Create Your Own WODB Puzzles for Polynomials

I love these Which One Doesn’t Belong? Polynomial Puzzles created by the students of Megan Moss!

wodb puzzles for polynomials.
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Inspiring Physics Word Wall

There’s just something about this word wall from Tiffany Taylor‘s physics classroom that really speaks to me.

physics word wall.
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Blood Drip Trig Waves

Want to get students engaged in trig graphing? Angela Novack gets students’ attention with blood drip trig waves!

trig graphs made with fake blood.
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Pinch Cards for Formative Assessment

Amy Parlette shares a great way to use “Pinch Cards” in the classroom as formative assessment.

formative assessment pinch cards.
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Piecewise Function Christmas Trees

Katie Syvrud gives students some extra practice with graphing piecewise functions. It’s never too early to start thinking about lesson plans for next December, right?

christmas tree piecewise function graph.
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Desmos Radicals Potluck Activity

Teaching how to graph radicals? Check out this Desmos Radical Potluck task from Paul Jorgens!

desmos radicals potluck activity.
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Desmos Parabola Potluck Activity

Check out this Parabola Potluck, too!

desmos parabola potluck activity.
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Equivalent Radicals Sorting Activity

Paul also shares a great human sorting activity involving equivalent radicals.

equivalent radicals sorting activity.
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Function Family Posters

I love how Amy Bowden hangs more than just one example of each function family on the wall for students to reference.

function family posters.
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Classifying Polynomials Sticky Wall Activity

Also from Amy Bowden, check out this cool “Sticky Wall” for classifying polynomials. This could be used for so many different topics!

sticky wall activity for classifying polynomials.
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Constant of Integration Reminder for Students

Do you teach calculus? Are you tired of students leaving off the plus c from their answers?

a way to remind students to remember the constant of integration.
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Christmas-Themed Parabola Graph Matching Activity

This Christmas-themed parabola activity from Math with P. Nik is too good to not share. I’m afraid if I wait until closer to Christmas that I will forget about it!

christmas tree parabola graph matching activity.
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Elastic Band Puzzles

If you’re too impatient to wait for Christmas, check out these elastic band puzzles.

elastic band puzzles.
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Ellipse and Parabola Art Project

Check out this application of ellipses and parabolas in redesigning the FIFA World Cup from St Macartans Tech Dep.

art made with ellipses and parabolas.
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Quadratic Graphing Competition

Speaking of parabolas, check out this parabola themed contest from John Eagen.

quadratic graphing competition tweet.
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Life Sized Mancala Game

Claire Verti shares the idea of playing a life-sized game of mancala. How fun!

life sized mancala with hula hoops.
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Rational Exponent Rotating Paper Activity

Jason Kissel shares a rotating practice structure for practicing with rational exponents.

rational exponent rotating paper activity.
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End of Year Engaging Test Review

Ms Aguilar shares a strategy for keeping students engaged during end of year testing and review.

end of year test review strategy.
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Compound Interest Car Buying Activity

Ben Kase transforms his classroom into a car dealership/bank/credit union to make math come alive.

car buying activity to practice compound interest.
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Pi Day T-Shirt Idea

Becca Phillips shares an awesome pi day t-shirt idea from her daughter. Sadly, 2020 doesn’t appear until 7000 digits into pi…

pi day t-shirt idea.
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Triangle Mosaic Math Art Project

Samantha Cruz shares some beautiful triangle mosaics!

triangle mosaic math artwork.
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Learn to Use a Compass Mini Project

Megan Sheffield‘s students impress with their projects that resulted from learning to use a compass.

mini art project for learning to use a compass.
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Desmos Test Mode Explanation

Marty Cardenas shares a great graphic for explaining Desmos Test Mode to students.

explanation of desmos test mode.
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Triangle Inequalities Exploration Activity

Casey McTeach shares a great visual manipulative for investigating triangle inequalities.

hands-on activity for triangle inequalities exploration.
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Linear Relationships War Activity

Amie Albrecht shares an awesome linear relationship war activity.

linear relationship war activity.
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Magnetic Plicker Storage

This magnetic plicker storage idea from Victoria Saldiveri is beautiful.

how to store plickers in classroom with magnets.
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Explicit vs Implicit Formulas WODB Activity

My students really struggled with explicit vs. recursive formulas this year, so I’m looking forward to trying these ideas from Jessica Strom next year.

wodb activity for explicit vs recursive sequences.
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Helpful Anchor Chart Example

MrKitMath shares a photo of an anchor chart which his students found to be very useful.

example of helpful anchor chart in classroom.
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Origami with Trig Functions

Paula Beardell Krieg shares some origami that produces beautiful patterns with trig functions. So inspiring!

origami with trig function artwork.
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Pi Symbol Decoration from Pi Day Coloring Sheets

Yet another pi day idea from PGCPS Secondary Math to file away for next year! Great idea for decorating with some pi day coloring sheets.

giant pi symbol made from pi day coloring sheets.
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Hula Hoop Venn Diagrams for Prisms vs Pyramids

Diane Viola shares an example of building venn diagrams with hula hoops.

prisms vs pyramids venn diagram made with hula hoops hanging on dry erase board.
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Using Manipulatives to Model Linear and Non-Linear Functions

L Zora demonstrates how to use manipulatives to model linear and non-linear functions.

modeling linear vs non-linear with physical manipulatives.
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Desmos Logo Design Graphing Contest

This Desmos-based logo contest from Lukas Hopper looks fun!

desmos logo design activity.
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Price is Right Contest for Area Approximations

Chris Ozarka shares a great idea of combining The Price is Right with calculus!

Area approximation contest - price is right.
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Equivalent Fractions with Chocolate Bars

Meredith Hornsby explores equivalent fractions with different sized chocolate bars. Yummy!

equivalent fractions with chocolate bars activity.
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Logarithms April Fool’s Day Lesson

Teaching logs soon? Check out this approach from Ross Andress. How would your students respond? What a memorable April Fool’s Day Lesson!

april fool's day lesson with logarithms.
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Functions on the Floor Curve Sketching Activity

Erick Lee shares an awesome functions on the floor activity. I definitely want to make some versions of this for Algebra 2 and Pre-Calc!

curve sketching activity called "Functions on the floor."
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Tick Boxes for What if…? Questions

Dr Kristy Turner shares an idea of using tick boxes for “What if…?” questions that could be easily applied to the math classroom as well.

What if scenario questions with tick boxes.
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Rational Function Graphing Challenges

Dawn shares some rational graphing challenges. I love the idea of giving students different pieces of information for different challenges.

rational function graphing challenges.
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rational function graphing challenges.
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Angle Art Project

Janelle Praill shares some beautiful student artwork based on angles.

angle art projects.
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Tessellation Mural

Stephanie once again shares a beautiful math-based art project to blow us all away.

inspiring tesselation mural.
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Pi Day Character Contest

Cheryl Tavernelli shares a winning entry in a Pi Day Character Contest. What would your students come up with?

pi day character creation contest.
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Pizza Price Comparison Lesson

I love the props for this pizza based lesson from Sarah Lombardo!

lesson for comparing pizza prices.
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Systems of Equations Clothespin Review Activity

Madi Roberts shares a creative review activity for systems of equations.

clothespin review activity for systems of equations.
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Simon Says with Function Types

Lauri Springer combines Simon Says with function types to get students up and moving in algebra class.

simon says game with function types.
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Geometry Kite Project

Ms Skudder shares some fun looking geometry projects.

geometry kite project.
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Geometry Mini Golf Project

geometry mini golf project.
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geometry mini golf project.
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3D Printed Compasses for Dry Erase Boards

Tim Wilhelm shares the brilliant idea of 3D printing compasses for dry erase boards.

3d printed compasses for dry erase boards.
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Dry Erase Clipboards

Another great idea from Tim is dry erase clipboards!

dry erase clipboards.
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Digits of Pi Photograph

And, check out this awesome photo day opportunity for Pi Day!

photograph of students holding up digits of pi .
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Quadratics Lesson Starter: Will it Hit the Hoop?

Solenne Abaziou shares a great image found in the wild for discussing trajectory models.

will it hit the hoop quadratics starter.
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Balancing Triangles on Centroid Activity

Cindy Worthington shares a great hands-on application activity for centroids of triangles. It’s magic. No, it’s math!

balancing triangles on centroids activity.
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Formative Assessment with Sticky Notes

Pam Wilson always inspires with her commitment to formative assessment in the math classroom.

formative assessment activity with sticky notes.
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DIY Fraction Ruler

Geoff Wake shares some instructions for creating a fraction ruler from a Japanese textbook. My mind is officially blown.

japanese textbook page re: making a fraction ruler.
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Animal Size Graphic to Spark Mathematical Conversation

Toby Russo shares a great image from National Geographic for sparking mathematical conversation.

animal size graphic for prompting notice/wonder conversations.
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Displaying Desmos Artwork

Heather Kohn shares a strategy for displaying student Desmos artwork in the classroom.

idea for displaying desmos student art work.
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Dice Activity for Visualizing Exponential Decay

Ralph Pantozzi shares an activity for helping students visualize exponential decay.

dice activity for visualizing exponential decay.
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Mathematician Dress Up Contest for Pi Day

Sorry for all the Pi Day ideas. This is what happens when the last Monday Must Reads was published at the beginning of March and it’s now the end of April. But, I must share this mathematician dress-up contest idea from Renita Bushell. Can you guess the mathematicians?

pi day contest involving dressing up like a mathematician.
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Crowd-Sourced Answer Key

I love this idea of having your students crowdsource an answer key. Check out this google doc from Jorge Jacquez.

crowdsource an answer key with google doc.
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Unit Circle Walk Activity

This Unit Circle Walk from Anna Vance looks like a lot of fun! I’m already thinking of ways to turn this into an activity when I teach trig next year. Maybe have rounds where students win a piece of candy if they land on a radian measure that has a sine of 0 when the music stops?

unit circle walk activity from anna vance.
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Inequalities Stained Glass Window Poster Project

I’ve seen stained glass inequalities activities before but never with such a large scale. Check out this project from Rhanna Math. This would make some beautiful room decor!

stained glass inequalities project.
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Panda Squares Torus Puzzle

David Butler steps up Panda Squares another notch by asking students to explore torus solutions.

torus puzzle for panda squares.
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Polynomials WODB

Dana Harrington shares a WODB for polynomials.

wodb task for polynomials.
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Volume of Cylinders Exploration Activity

I love how Rockstar Math Teacher decorated her cylinders for this hands-on exploration of volume of cylinders. The bright, happy colors make my teacher heart happy.

volume of cylinders activity.
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“Find Your Match” Trig Identity Activity

I like this introduction to proving trig identities activity from Meghan Arnold. So stealing this for next year!

Trig Identity Find Your Match
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Larry Bird Birthday Celebration

Jamil Siddiqui inspires with an annual celebration of Larry Bird’s Birthday in AP Calculus.

Larry Bird Birthday celebration idea.
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Compound Inequalities Old Maid Game

Jenna Morrison‘s idea to play Old Maid using inequalities is brilliant.

compound inequalities old maid game.
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Secret Memory Potion Statistics Lesson

A secret memory potion? Check out this stats lesson from the MVHS Math Department.

ap statistics secret memory potion lesson.
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World Math Day Celebration

Zenned Math shares a way to celebrate World Math Day. Did you even know that was a holiday?

post-it notes for math teacher on world math day.
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Sierpinski Triangles Exponential Growth and Decay Art Project

Dorothy Nelson shares a crafty way of looking at exponentials. These would make beautiful classroom decorations!

sierpinski triangle activity for exponential growth/decay.
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Go and Find Polynomials (Factoring/Solving) Activity

I love how Alexia DeLuca modified the Go and Find activity featured in a previous Monday Must Reads to practice factoring/solving polynomials!

go and find polynomials activity.
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Apples to Apples Game with Graphs and Variables

Katherine Muelling combines the fun of apples to apples with graphs and variables.

graph and variable apples to apples game.
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Math Flips String for Converting Radians and Degrees

Stacy Winters offers up a great idea for getting students thinking and talking about radians.

radian and degree "math flips string"
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Giant Triangle Trig Task

Cindy Klages put trig to the test with a giant triangle for students to solve.

giant triangle trigonometry task.
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Impossible Triangle Task

Shelby Cameron offers up an impossible challenge to give your students. Just don’t tell them it’s impossible! 😉

impossible triangle task.
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Teaching Angle Relationships with Cats Cradle

FrostMath54 shows how to use the classic cats cradle game to teach angle relationships.

teaching angle relationships with cats cradle game.
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Trig Murder Investigation Activity

Tricia Leong‘s students set out to figure out who killed Bugs Bunny using trig. How fun!

trig murder investigation activity.
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Sticker Polls

Marx Advincula shares the idea of using sticker polls on the first day of school. This could be useful throughout the school year as well.

sticker polls on chart paper.
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Conic Section Playground Design Project

Catrine‘s students not only designed playgrounds based on conic sections, they presented their creations to a 3rd grade class for feedback.

conic section playground design activity.
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conic section playground design activity.
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Graphs of Trig Functions Two Truths and a Lie Activity

I really like how Catrine provided students with trig graphs inside sheet protectors for this two truths and a lie activity.

2 truths and a lie with graphs of trig functions.
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Polar Graphing Art Project Wall of Fame

Check out Mr. Rich Fochtman‘s Polar Graphing Wall of Fame.

polar graph art displayed in classroom.
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Inverse Trig Functions Error Analysis Activity

Rachael Gorsuch reminds us of the power of giving students both right and wrong answers to analyze.

inverse trig function error analysis activity.
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Zombie Tag for Modeling Exponential Growth

Ethan Weker recommends Zombie Tag for investigating exponential growth.

zombie tag game for exponential growth.
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Until next time, keep sharing your awesome ideas!

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  1. My 6th graders are working hard on the 2019 Challenge… it possible to find expressions for all of the numbers?

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