Monday Must Reads: Volume 68

Happy Monday Must Reads Day! It’s a weird Monday for me as I got word yesterday evening that my school building has to pivot to online instruction for the next two weeks. After that, we have a week off for Thanksgiving, so it will be three weeks before I see my students face-to-face again. We’ve been lucky so far to be able to have face-to-face classes four days a week, but I guess our luck has run out. If you take a look at Oklahoma’s recent COVID numbers, they are terrifying, and we aren’t the only high school in our area having to make this shift until Thanksgiving. I guess being thrown back into distance learning will give me a chance to test out some of the awesome distance learning ideas you all have been sharing on Twitter recently.

Monday Must Reads

Since it’s Monday, it’s only fitting that I share a new volume of Monday Must Reads with you all. This is my weekly-ish attempt at capturing and sharing the amazingness of the educators who inspire me on twitter. It is my hope that you can find at least one idea that you can try out in your own classroom in the coming weeks.

Measuring Student Confidence via Distance Learning

Howie Hua shares several great teacher-moves for distance learning.

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Factoring Polynomials Open Middle Tasks

Jack Assaf shares a great open middle style problem for factoring polynomials.

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How to “Sine” a Cast

If you ever have a student ask you to sign their cast, consider taking this approach from Chris Bolognese.

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Open Middle Angle Task

Need some interesting angle practice? Check out this open middle task from John Rowe.

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Factoring Partner Game

Anna Vance shares some cool looking activities she created for her distance learning lessons.

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Complex Number Partner Activity

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Solving by Factoring Partner Activity

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Integration Yes or No Task

Emma Cartwright shares a lovely yes/no task for calculus.

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Silent Solution Videos

I really like the idea of combining silent solution videos with a prompt for students to ask you questions about what they are seeing. Great idea, Cathy Yenca!

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Writing Non-Photomathable Tasks

Bill Shillito shares a non-photomathable task he created.

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Birdhouse Design Task

Erick Lee shares a creative task involving designing a birdhouse from a single sheet of paper. So many mathematical possibilities to discuss!

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Digital Density Bottles

Check out this great example of digital modeling of density bottles from Allison McMahon.

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Magic Square Puzzle

Nataly Riera shares a lovely magic square puzzle.

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Battleship with Bingo Daubers

This battleship game with bingo daubers from Bannockburn Maths looks like so much fun!

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Classroom Chore Day

Bethany Rosera shares a teacher hack for getting students to help maintain their learning environment.

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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads

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