Monday Must Reads: Volume 91

I can’t believe it is already Monday again and time for the 91st volume of Monday Must Reads! If this is your first experience with Monday Must Reads, it’s my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas shared by (mostly) math teachers on twitter. I hope you find an idea or two to use in your own classroom or to share with a coworker.

monday must read logo.

Desmos Four 4s Challenge with Parents

I love how Dana Harrington not only engaged her students with the classic Four Fours problem, but she also got parents involved! What a brilliant way to introduce parents to Desmos, as well!

four fours desmos activity.
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Math is Like… Display

Check out this “Math is like…” display from Michael Siegel.

math is like classroom display.
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Using Geometric Transformations to Solve Puzzles

Sarah Furman shares an absolutely brilliant activity where she combines student knowledge of geometric transformations with puzzle creation. Students had to create their own puzzles similar to Cover the Duck, Cover the Heart, Cover the Camel, etc. Then, they had to use geometric transformations to describe the solution to the puzzle they created. I am just blown away by this activity.

solving puzzles with geometric transformations tweet.
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Pumpkin Would You Rather Task

The Community Classroom shares a fun, fall-themed task. Which pumpkin would you rather have? (Note: there is a typo in the original tweet. The large pumpkin is full of pennies, not quarters.)

tweet with would you rather pumpkin task.
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Playing Nim on Pop-Its

Pop-its seem to be all the rage these days. Adrienne Hestenes recommends playing Nim on a pop-it. Great idea!

playing nim on pop-it game.
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Wooden Visual of Conic Sections

The MathHappens Organization is sharing free files for creating your own tool to help students visualize conic sections. They even have a printable version that you can create with cardstock if you don’t have access to technology for creating it out of wood.

conic section wooden visual from Math Happens.
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Laser Cutting Desmos Artwork

Matt Zigler shares some awesome student work that all started in Desmos!

laser cut artwork designed in desmos.
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Finding Real World Examples of Math

Denis Sheeran continues to show that we can find math anywhere and everywhere if we just take the time to look!

real world math example from denis sheeran
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Coloring Tangrams

David Butler shares an interesting fact about tangrams that could easily be turned into an exploratory activity.

tweet from david butler re: coloring tangrams.
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Trig Derivatives Memory Trick

Jonathan shares a mind-blowing diagram for remembering trig derivatives.

memory trick for trig derivatives.
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Integer Rules Tic Tac Toe

Alyssa Castorena shares a fun-looking integer tic-tac-toe game. I especially love the use of cups for X’s and O’s. I’m definitely stealing that idea!

integer rules tic tac toe game.
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Factoring Trinomials Open Middle Task

Mr. Canning shares an awesome open-middle task for factoring quadratics.

open middle task for factoring polynomials.
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Until next time, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!

Looking for more brilliant ideas? Check out Volume 90 of Monday Must Reads.

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