Organizing Your Classroom with Business Card Pockets
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I wanted to share more about how I use business card pockets to help organize my classroom. I mentioned this in my 2020-2021 Classroom Tour, but I thought I would share a few more details.

I have been very blessed in my current classroom to have a large set of cabinets. My very first classroom had zero built-in storage, so I understand that this amount of storage is not the norm for every classroom.
One of my frustrations has been that even though I had so many cabinets, I didn’t know what was in each of the cabinets. I would find myself opening three cabinet doors before I found the door that contained what I was actually looking for.
I was excited to find these adhesive business card pockets on Amazon. I’ve seen similar adhesive pocket labels in the Target Dollar Spot before, but I like the fact that these business card pockets are available year-round.
I’m definitely using these for their intended purpose. They are meant for business people to be able to attach their business cards to materials that they hand out to clients. But, I thought that I could stick them to my cabinets. I would type out the contents of my cabinets on business card sized pieces of paper. Then, I could easily label the cabinets and change the labels out when I inevitably rearrange (or get more classroom supplies).
The dimensions of a business card are 3.5″ x 2. ” (These are US dimensions. I have read that standard business card sizes vary by country.) I created a simple table in Microsoft Publisher (you could easily use Microsoft Word, as well) with the table cells sized as business cards.
This let me type out the contents of each cabinet. I cut out the individual business cards and placed them inside the pockets that I stuck on each cabinet door.
The same company also sells adhesive pockets that fit 3 x 5 index cards. If you wanted to handwrite labels for your cabinets but still be able to change them out, this might be easier.