Teacher Appreciation Acrostic Poems

The other day on Twitter, I saw this idea posted.  I embedded the tweet, so you may have to wait a moment for it to load.  While you’re waiting, it’s a picture of acrostic poems in the teacher’s lounge with adjectives to describe each staff member.

I saw this idea and immediately decided it would be the perfect project for my student council kids.  I took a screenshot of the idea and sent it to my StuCo kids via Remind.  At our next meeting, I had printed out each teacher’s name.  The kids broke up the teacher names and started coming up with descriptive words.  

row of colored pencils with text "teacher appreciation acrostic poems"

Over the course of two lunchtime meetings, we wrote adjectives for each letter.  A lot of teachers had a “Y” in their name.  Have you ever tried to come up with a positive adjective that begins with a “Y?”  Not easy.

teacher appreciation acrostic poems hanging in teacher's lounge.

Today, I printed them off on card stock with pretty fonts and hung them up in the teacher’s lounge.  There are 22 total.  This includes all of our teachers, principal, counselor, secretary, custodian, Indian Education department, and lunch ladies.

teacher appreciation acrostic poems hanging in teacher's lounge.

I haven’t got the reaction of the teachers yet, but I hope it puts a smile on their face when they walk into the teacher’s lounge.

teacher appreciation acrostic poems hanging in teacher's lounge.

I started running our of room to hang them and had to get kinda creative.

teacher appreciation acrostic poems hanging in teacher's lounge.

Here’s mine:

Close-Up of Teacher Appreciation Acrostic Poem.

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  1. Great Idea! I may forward this to my school's student councils (I am at a Pre-K thru 12 school.we have a middle school student council and a high school,one, because we are in the same building, but keep the different levels separate)

  2. Aww this is a great idea!

    Only 22 teachers though? Wow that's a smaller campus than I'm used to!

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

    1. 22 includes every single adult in the building – support staff, admin, and teachers. We're a very small school!

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