TIGO Puzzles
I ran across an interesting vintage math puzzle on eBay recently. I’ve never heard of Tigo Puzzles, but I definitely want to know more now!

The eBay listing is no longer active, but I did save the images posted by the seller.
Apparently this book of Tigo Puzzles is based on Tigo, a unique new game of number dexterity. The book features 30 beginner puzzles, 8 advanced puzzles, and 2 expert puzzles.
I have seen people complain about these puzzles because they DO NOT FOLLOW THE ORDER OF OPERATIONS. Instead, all operations in the puzzle are completed from left to right.
These Tigo Puzzles were published in 1976 by Ward & Sons.
I was also able to find pictures of the Tigo Board Game on eBay.
It did not look like what I expected after looking at the puzzle book.