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9-10-11-12 Challenge

The 9-10-11-12 Challenge is actually four puzzles in one. Can you arrange the numbers 1 through 6 in the spaces of the triangular shape below so that each side sums to 9? Repeat the challenge for sums of 10, 11, and 12.

9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser

I learned of this challenge from a collection of brainteasers that is no longer online. Luckily, an archived version of the website still exists.

9-10-11-12 Challenge Printed on Laminated Paper.

They called the activity “Stop Clownin’ Around.” I didn’t really want to keep the balloon theme, so I renamed it the 9-10-11-12 Challenge.

Pre-pandemic, when I originally typed this puzzle up, I planned to use it on my puzzle table with laminated number pieces for students to move around.

9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser

The template above will work for each part of the 9-10-11-12 Challenge, but I decided to go ahead and make separate challenges as well.

9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser
9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser
9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser
9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser

I’ve recently learned that these puzzles are actually known as Magic Triangle Puzzles since each side of the triangle adds up to the same value. These are similar to Magic Square Puzzles.

Digital Versions of 9-10-11-12 Challenge

Since we still seem to be living in a pandemic, I also created a digital version of the 9-10-11-12 Challenge in Google Slides.

9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser

I got a little too excited when making this and decided that each challenge needed its own color.

9-10-11-12 Challenge Math Puzzle Brainteaser

Here’s the link to make a copy of this google slides version of the 9-10-11-12 Challenge.

Want more puzzles? Check out my puzzles page!

Puzzle Solutions

I intentionally do not make answers to the printable puzzles and math activities I share on my blog available online because I strive to provide learning experiences for my students that are non-google-able. I would like other teachers to be able to use these puzzles in their classrooms as well without the solutions being easily found on the Internet.

However, I do recognize that us teachers are busy people and sometimes need to quickly reference an answer key to see if a student has solved a puzzle correctly or to see if they have interpreted the instructions properly.

If you are a teacher who is using these puzzles in your classroom, please send me an email at sarah@mathequalslove.net with information about what you teach and where you teach. I will be happy to forward an answer key to you.

Not a teacher? Go ahead and send me an email as well. Just let me know what you are using the puzzles for. I am continually in awe of how many people are using these puzzles with scouting groups, with senior adults battling dementia, as fun activities in their workplace, or as a birthday party escape room.

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