Algebra 1 Syllabus Brochure
Today I’m sharing the Algebra 1 syllabus I created for my students to glue in their interactive notebooks.
So many of my students were unfamiliar with the word “syllabus.” Throughout middle school, high school, and college, I was always presented with a syllabus at the beginning of the year. Some were more detailed than others, but it was expected that we would go over the syllabus sometime during the first week of school.
Thanks to some twitter inspiration, I formatted my syllabus as a brochure. I mainly did this so that students would be able to glue their syllabus into their interactive notebooks. For the front of the brochure, I modified Dan Meyer’s syllabus template.
So what goes in the blanks?
2 Crucial Rules
* Work Hard
* Be Nice
1 Bathroom Pass
25 Percent of Grade is this Notebook
3 Daily Supplies
* Notebook
* Something to Write With
* Folder
1 Belief
* Math is learned by doing.
Download Algebra 1 Syllabus Example
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Algebra 1 Syllabus Brochure (PDF)
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I'm not sure I understand fully what happens on the LHS of the INB. Can you explain further? Thank you.
Could you link your file to the Subsets of Real Numbers? That looks awesome! I'd like to use that next year.
I LOVE your foldables!
These are great. Thanks for the pictures.
Love many of your ideas! Thanks for sharing!
You're very welcome!
Check out page 2 of the notebook. You might have to press "see all" and go to the "Notebook Check" link. Great foldable for transformations. Rules are on the foldable tabs. Modified kids find it especially helpful because they can leave the unused ones folded up and only look at the ones in the function they are working on. Here's the link:
The house thing is useful for kids who don't get why things on the inside are opposite of their natural intuition.
These pictures of notebook pages are BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing!
Great ideas for interactive notebook thanks!
You're welcome!
I am going to do something similar this year. Thanks for the great ideas! Have you experimented at all with virtual notebooks?
My school just doesn't have the necessary technology to make a virtual notebook feasible. If we did, I'd love to look more into it!
I love the idea of the syllabus brochure. What are the numbers on the front for?
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It means a lot to me!
2 – Crucial Rules
Work Hard
Be Nice
1 – Bathroom Pass Per 9 Weeks
25 Percent of Grade is this Notebook
3 Daily Supplies
Something to write with
1 Belief
Math is learned by doing
Hope this helps!
Can you attach the files of these foldables to this blog please?? I am a first year teacher and am loving your blog! Thank you so much for all the ideas!
Each of these foldables should have it's own separate blog post with the files attached. There is a search bar in the right hand column that should help you find them. Good luck with your first year of teaching! Let me know if there's ever anything I can help you with!
I want to thank you for taking the time to create this blog. I am a former first and second grade teacher that now homeschool my children. My oldest is in the throws of algebra and using your ideas will help us navigate through it all. (I guess I didn't retain a heck of a lot.)
Thanks Joanne! Good luck!
I am going into my semester of student teaching in the spring and will also be teaching two algebra courses! I love this idea of creating an interactive notebook that looks more fun and engaging instead of the traditional lecture/notes idea. I think this would be great for all students, especially visual learners as there are so many foldable and clearly labeled pages and color-coding. My question is do you do this with your students every class period and does it take up a lot of time for the pages that you have to cut flaps/etc.? Overall, I think this is such a great idea and would also love to look into creating a virtual interactive notebook with my students! Thanks for sharing!!
Some weeks we do lots of notebooking. Other weeks we do hardly any. Cutting and gluing does take some time, but my students actually learn to use their notebooks as a reference. So, I think it's a good investment.
Are you on a yearlong or a semester calendar?