
Fill in the Blank Unit Circle Chart

I created this fill-in-the-blank unit circle chart for my pre-calculus classes to use as they practice constructing the unit circle from memory.

blank unit circle chart

Students are given a blank unit circle with the following instructions:

  • Place the degree measure of each angle on the unit circle in the provided circles.
  • Place the radian measure of each angle in the provided rectangles.
  • Write the ordered pairs for each point around the circle around the outside of the unit circle.
fill in the blank unit circle chart

I like to print smaller versions of this blank unit circle chart for my students to practice on ahead of our unit circle test. I print these unit circles two to a page (both front and back) so that students can practice filling in the values.

fill in the blank unit circle chart

Often students, will take extra practice sheets home with them for extra practice. Filling out an empty unit circle is great practice for our unit circle test.

I love having students practice filling out their unit circles and then play a review game such as Unit Circle Bingo or Evaluating Trig Functions Using the Unit Circle Leap Frog Game.

fill in the blank unit circle chart

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