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Double Letters Puzzle – ACLMORS

Taking inspiration from Lisa Richardson, I decided to magnetize the puzzle pieces and place them on my dry erase board instead of laying them on a puzzle table like I have done in the past. I placed adhesive disc magnets on the back of each piece. Check out previous blog posts here and here.

double letters puzzle

I’m super excited with the results of magnetizing these puzzles. I’ve had WAY more students attempt them than I ever had last year with the puzzles laying horizontally on the puzzle table. I will definitely be keeping these puzzles vertical going forward!

The goal of each puzzle is to place the double letter cards in a line in an overlapping manner so that a real word is formed. No card may be fully covered, rotated, or flipped.

double letters puzzle by serhiy grabarchuk doubletters

These puzzles were created by Serhiy Grabarchuk. I found out while doing some googling as I wrote this post that these puzzles are actually known as “DoubLetters” puzzles. Serhiy published another one of his DoubLetters puzzles on Puzzles.com in February of 2012. You can download a PDF of that puzzle here.

This double letters puzzle is from Puzzle Box, Volume 2.

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