
Evaluating Expressions Practice Problems and INB Pocket

Next, we glued in our first pocket of the year. I pre-printed the steps for evaluating expressions on the pocket. Super proud of how it turned out!

evaluating expressions practice problems with pocket

Inside the pocket, we put four practice problems that we completed. See all those lovely parentheses?!?

evaluating expressions practice problems with pocket
evaluating expressions practice problems with pocket
evaluating expressions practice problems with pocket
evaluating expressions practice problems with pocket
evaluating expressions practice problems with pocket

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  1. Loving your blog! I actually used this with my algebra class today. Plus the exponents with a negative that you had posted previously. Wonderful resources. Thanks so much!

  2. I absolutely LOVE the parenthetical promise sheet! I covered evaluating expressions in my honors algebra one yesterday but I printed this out and used it today as my lesson opener to emphasize this important fact! Thank you so much!

  3. I am a student that received that same homework and I ended up with only 4 that evaluate to 36. ?

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