
Mathematical Autobiography Foldable

How is it possible to already be this far behind with blogging after the FOURTH day of school?!?  Oh, yeah.  It might be due to the fact that I still have lessons from last school year that need to be blogged about.  And, I have yet to finish my #TMC14 reflections.  I feel like I’ve been constantly on the go since July.  I guess this is the life of a teacher.

This year, I decided I wanted to have my students write a mathematical autobiography.  Not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I did some serious google searching.  It took a while to find, but I finally happened upon some questions that I liked.  

This “Mathography” assignment asked students to write a three paragraph essay.  I wanted to use the same questions but make it less intimidating of an assignment for the first week of school.

Here’s my foldable version.  Yes, I am truly obsessed.  I guess that’s why people kept referring to me as the “foldable queen” at #TMC14… Plus, isn’t this cuter than having your students right an essay?  ðŸ™‚

Students who wrote things on the inside of their mathematical autobiography foldable that they didn’t want others to see were given the option of stapling their autobiography shut in their interactive notebook after I checked it.  

Mathematical Autobiography Foldable for Interactive Notebooks
Mathematical Autobiography Foldable for Interactive Notebooks

The first section is just about “ME” in general.

Screenshot of Front of Mathematical Autobiography Foldable

 The second section is about “ME” as a student.

Me as a Student Page in Math Autobiography Foldable.

 And, the third section is specifically about “me as a math student.”

Me as a Math Student Page in Math Autobiography Foldable.

Free Download of Mathematical Autobiography Foldable

Click here to Download
Mathematical Autobiography Foldable (PDF)
8858 downloads – 18.15 KB

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    1. Thanks Cindy! Let us know how it goes if you try it out with your students!

  1. Thanks for sharing Sarah; do you think you are going to change anything for next year? I am so grateful there are so many math teachers that share their work. =)

  2. If you have any problems with writing, feel free to ask our writers for help! Evolution Writers is ready to help with any kind of academic writing!

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