Monday Must Reads: Volume 7

Life has been busy with the start of a new school year. I’m still working on achieving that thing called work/life balance, so today’s Monday Must Reads post will be shorter than normal. I’d love to feature more great ideas (I have a list!), but I’m giving myself grace. I’ll get another chance next week and the week after that and the week after that! 🙂

monday must reads logo from math = Love.

This week’s edition is 100% inspiring tweets!

Skyscraper Logic Puzzles with Paper Cylinders

I loved introducing my students to Skyscraper Logic Puzzles last year using linking cubes. So, I was super-intrigued when I saw that Amie Albrecht had created a version using paper cylinders.

skyscraper puzzles with paper cylinders.
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Cup Stacking Challenge

Meghan Lang got her physics students off to a fun start with a cup stacking challenge. Each group was given a rubberband with one string for every person in the group. Students had to stack the cups while only touching their own string. This looks like great cooperative fun. I used this with my chemistry students during the first week, and it went fabulously!

cup stacking challenge with string and rubber bands.
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Science Display Ideas

I love decorating my math classroom. Each summer, I try and think of new math-y decorations I can make. David Chalk has inspired me to up my science decor game this year, though. Just take a look at these amazing classroom displays! To see even more of his work, check out this short video!

science classroom decoration ideas.
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100 Square Units Task

Ilona Vashchyshyn posted an interesting task on twitter recently that I look forward to using with my math concepts students. Write your name using exactly 100 square units.

100 square units area task.
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Exponent Rules Puzzle

If you’re not following Jo Morgan on twitter and her Resourceaholic blog, you need to do so ASAP. Don’t be scared off by the fact that she teaches in the UK and refers to math as “maths.” She is always finding the most creative resources!  Check out this exponent rules puzzle that she recently featured on her blog!

exponent rules puzzle.
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Paper Chain Challenge

Becky Strand issued the Paper Chain Challenge to her students. The task: make the largest chain possible using only a single sheet of paper, scissors, and a glue stick! I decided I was going to do this with my chemistry class during the first week, but we ran out of time. 🙁

paper chain stem building challenge.
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Solving Equations Task

Ms. Mayner poses an interesting problem to her students in regards to solving equations. I love how she gets them thinking about solving without actually having them solve!

solving equations task from ms. mayner.
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Visual Discovery of Pi

Elizabeth Raskin engaged her students in a very visual discovery of pi. I’ve seen a lot of pi-related activities, but this one was completely new to me. Is it too early to start planning for Pi Day?

visual discovery of pi activity.
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100 Numbers Activity Tip

Are you doing Sara VanDerWerf‘s 100 Number Activity? Diana McClean shares a great idea to save paper!

100 numbers tweet re: using sheet protector.
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Until next week, keep up the awesome tweets and blog posts!

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