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Sudoku Puzzle Collection

I hope you enjoy this collection of free printable sudoku puzzles that are perfect for the classroom or for just enjoying on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

sudoku puzzles printable pdf for free.

On this page, you will find printable sudoku puzzles in various sizes including 4×4 puzzles, 6×6 puzzles, and 9×9 puzzles. All the printables are completely free and available to download as a PDF file.

You will also find some fun variations on sudoku including diagonal sudoku, jigsaw sudoku, picture sudoku, and word sudoku.

Printable Sudoku Puzzles

These free printable packets of sudoku puzzles are available as 4×4 sudoku puzzles, 6×6 sudoku puzzles, and the traditional 9×9 sudoku puzzles.

4×4 Sudoku Puzzle Printable

4x4 sudoku printable free pdf.

These printable 4×4 sudoku puzzles are formatted 4 puzzles to a page. You can print a single page for your children/students to work on, or you can print an entire packet of 16 puzzles.

Click here to Download
Sudoku 4×4 Puzzles (PDF)
653 downloads – 50.39 KB

6×6 Sudoku Puzzle Printable

6x6 sudoku printables in 4 levels Free PDF with 48 sudoku puzzles.

These printable 6×6 sudoku puzzles are formatted 6 puzzles to a page. You can print a single page to work on, or you can print an entire packet of 48 puzzles.

The puzzles are sorted as Easy, Medium, Hard, and Challenging. There are two pages (12 puzzles total) for each level of 6 x 6 sudoku puzzle.

Click here to Download
6×6 Sudoku Printable Puzzles with Numbers (PDF)
667 downloads – 280.36 KB

9×9 Sudoku Puzzle Printable

9x9 sudoku puzzles free printable.

These printable 9×9 sudoku puzzles are formatted 4 puzzles to a page. You can print a single page to work on, or you can print an entire packet of 48 puzzles.

The puzzles are sorted as Easy, Medium, Hard, and Challenging. There are four pages (12 puzzles total) for each level of 9 x 9 sudoku puzzle.

Click here to Download
9×9 Sudoku Puzzles (PDF)
275 downloads – 682.28 KB

Sudoku Variants

Once you’ve mastered the logic of solving a standard sudoku puzzle, I suggest checking out one of these fun sudoku variants such as diagonal sudoku, jigsaw sudoku, picture sudoku, and word sudoku.

Diagonal Sudoku Printable Puzzles

In a diagonal sudoku puzzle, all of these same rules apply as in a traditional sudoku puzzle, but there is one additional rule. The numbers must also be used exactly one time each along each main diagonal of the sudoku grid.

Jigsaw Sudoku Printable Puzzles

Jigsaw sudoku puzzles are a fun twist on the traditional sudoku puzzle.

The goal of a jigsaw sudoku puzzle is to complete the grid so that each row, each column, and each outlined irregular region contains exactly one of each number between 1 and n where n is the size of the puzzle. Numbers cannot be repeated in any row, column, or outlined irregular region.

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