
Two Truths and a Lie Combining Like Terms Activity

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms

A few weeks ago, I shared a free template I created for using 2 Truths and a Lie in class. Specifically, I shared examples of using the practice structure with a few vocab words: absolute value, opposite, reciprocal, and opposite reciprocal.

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms

Recently, I used the same template with a different topic: like terms. I loved that I could pass out the template, and students knew exactly what to do without any prompting from me!

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms

After students wrote their two truths and a lie but before they wrote down which statement was a lie, I gave students a chance to show their statements to the class using our Ipevo Document Camera.

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms paper under document camera

Students love to put theirs under the document camera because it means they get to sit in my comfy chair for a minute or two!

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms  under document camera

My favorite way to use this activity is as a last minute quiz review. It’s a great way to get students thinking about common misconceptions.

Want another combining like terms practice activity? Check out the Combining Like Terms Maze Puzzle.

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms

Here are some examples of what my students came up with:

2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms
2 truths and a lie: combining like terms

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