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Types of Lines Foldable

I created this types of lines foldable to help kick off our discussion of parallel and perpendicular lines in Algebra 1. My students glued the resulting foldable in their interactive notebooks.

Types of Lines Foldable - parallel, perpendicular, neither

This foldable features not only a description of the appearance of parallel and perpendicular lines but a summary of what we know about the slope and y-intercept of parallel and perpendicular lines.

I also included a section on lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

Types of Lines Foldable - parallel, perpendicular, neither

Full disclosure: we spent an entire class period playing with making parallel and perpendicular lines on our coordinate plane geoboards BEFORE we did this foldable.  So, my students discovered relationships between the slope and y-intercept of these types of lines instead of me just telling them.  In the past, I’ve been guilty of just telling my students things.  This year, I’m trying to do a better job of helping them to discover these things.

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