Valentine’s Day Math Activities & Puzzles
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Bring some mathy-fun to your classroom with these Valentine’s Day math activities and logic puzzles! These puzzles are suitable for upper elementary, middle school, and high school students.
Valentine’s Day Logic Puzzles
Help your students grow their logical thinking skills with these Valentine’s Day logic puzzles! These specific puzzles can be used with a wide range of students including elementary school, middle school, and high school.
Valentine Square Conversation Heart Puzzle
This Valentine’s Day logic puzzle combines cheesy mathematical valentines with a square edge-matching puzzle. Can you correctly assemble the pieces to create a 3×3 square?
Pentominoes Heart Puzzle
Looking for a fun Valentine’s Day math puzzle? This pentominoes heart puzzle is sure to provide a fun and engaging Valentine’s puzzle experience.
Can you create the given heart shape using a standard set of twelve pentomino pieces?
Heart Tangram Puzzle
Arrange the ten pieces to form the shape of a heart in this fun tangram-inspired puzzle for Valentine’s Day.
You could actually use this puzzle any time of the year!
Cover the Heart Puzzle
Arrange the five pieces to entirely cover the provided heart shape. You can rotate pieces and flip them over, but you cannot overlap the pieces.
Good news – once you prep the pieces for this puzzle, you already have the puzzle pieces prepped and ready for Cover the Duck, Cover the Camel, and Cover the Shape!
M Heart 8 Sequence Puzzle
While this isn’t specifically a Valentine’s Day Logic Puzzle, the fact that it has a heart in it makes it perfect for the current holiday.
Can your students figure out what symbol comes next in the M Heart 8 Sequence puzzle? This one is a classic for a reason!
Heart Pattern Block WODB Puzzle
Parmenter Math shares a brilliant Valentine’s Day themed Which One Doesn’t Belong Puzzle involving hearts made out of pattern blocks.
Valentine’s Square Puzzle
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with this free printable square matching puzzle. Can you assemble the pieces to form a 3×3 rectangle where the pieces match along each edge?
Math Themed Valentines Sayings and Ideas
Want to give your students a mathematical valentine? Check out these math valentine sayings to give you some ideas!
Laffy Taffy Math Valentines
Download and print a fun math-based valentine to give to your students along with some laffy taffy.
Parallel Lines Math Valentines with Pixy Stix
Are pixy stix more your jam? Check out this parallel line themed math valentine!
Statistics Valentine Poem
Amy Hogan shares a clever valentine’s day poem about statistics.
Challenge your students to write a similar poem!
Math Valentine Contest
What a fun, creative challenge to have your students create math valentines using vocabulary that you have been studying!
Check out some other math valentines shared by teachers on twitter:
Heart Puzzle Valentine
Kassia Wedekind shares a valentine that her daughter received from her teacher which was actually a heart puzzle to be put together. This would be so easy to pull off!
Math Art for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to infuse some math art into your classroom. All you need for these math art activities is paper, scissors, and a ruler or straight edge.
Valentine’s Day Mobius Strip Activity
Introduce your students to mobius strips on Valentine’s Day with a fun activity that ends up producing two interlinking hearts when the mobius strips are cut in half.
My students are always mesmerized by this math art activity!
Origami Hearts
Sarah Furman brings a bit of math art into her classroom with origami hearts for Valentine’s Day.
You can find many different origami heart tutorials online, but Clarissa Grandi (the mathematical art queen!) recommends this printable origami heart tutorial page from Super Coloring.
If you’d rather show a video, Clarissa recommends this Origami Heart Folding Tutorial Video.
Origami Heart Fraction Puzzle
After you have your students build origami hearts, give them this challenge from Mark Kaercher that has them figure out what fraction of the area is shaded.
Desmos Valentine Math Art
Dawn shares a project she did with her Algebra 2 students where each student graphed equations in Desmos to form a Valentine’s Day image which they then turned into a Math Valentine.
The results were impressive!
Cardioid Drawing Lesson
Clarissa Grandi offers templates and instructions for teaching students to draw cardioids. I have done this lesson with students, and it is always well-received!
Valentine’s Day Classroom Decorations
Looking to decorate your math classroom for Valentine’s Day? Here are a few ideas to help you out!
Math Valentine Conversation Heart Posters
Decorate your classroom with these conversation heart posters including mathematical sayings.
Geometry Valentines Bulletin Board
Mrs. Bradley shares a great looking bulletin board she made out of geometry valentine’s that students wrote as an assignment.
Imaginary Number Valentine’s Day Bulletin Board
If your students are familiar with imaginary numbers, they will get a kick of the message on this bulletin board!
Community Building Activities for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to help improve your school’s community by having students write messages to fellow classmates or to staff members.
Valentine’s Jamboard Activity
Jamboard may soon be no longer a google product, but I’m sure you could still take inspiration from this Valentine’s Day Jamboard Activity.
Valentine’s Teacher Appreciation Project
Students will enjoy creating posters with heart-felt messages for school staff in this Valentine’s Project.
Heart Attacks
Alicia Bena has students give “heart attacks” to various staff members by having them write positive messages on hearts and posting them near their work areas. For example, one class decided to give a “heart attack” to the school’s custodial staff.
Valentine’s Day Math Lessons and Activities
Want to celebrate Valentine’s Day but need to make sure it ties into the math curriculum? Here are some very math-y ways to infuse Valentine’s Day into your math lessons! Most of these lesson ideas are geared toward middle school and high school classrooms.
Valentine’s Day Visual System of Equations Puzzle
Deb Bulin shares a visual system of equations puzzle for Valentine’s Day. Want to know what is even cooler?!? It’s on her SHIRT!
Irregular Area Task for Valentine’s Day
Nancy Fitzpatrick uses Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to teach students to find the area of a heart by breaking it down into semicircles, diamonds, and triangles. Brilliant!
Volume of a Heart Shaped Lollipop STEM Project
Marianna Jennings shares a STEM project where she challenges students to think through how to find the volume of a heart-shaped lollipop.
Valentine’s Day Inequality Problem
Your students will get a kick out of solving this Valentine’s Day Inequality Problem!
Cardioid Graphing Assignment
Put your students’ polar graphing skills to the test by having them graph a cardioid by hand for Valentine’s Day!
Graphing Hearts
Wolfram Alpha shares a great variety of equations that you can give students to graph that will result in heart-shaped curves.
Miscellaneous Valentine’s Day Ideas
Conversation Hearts Lab for Valentine’s Day
Have some extra conversation hearts lying around? Check out this lab I did on Valentine’s Day back when I taught science.