Integer Operations Foldable
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I created this integer operations foldable for my Algebra 1 students to fill out as we reviewed the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers.
I used my favorite four door foldable template to create this integer operations foldable. I have uploaded the file at the bottom of this post.
Here’s the inside of our foldable:
On the left hand page of our interactive notebook, my students created an integer operations wheel.
Students had to pick 8 problems from the previous day’s assignment. They had to write out each step of the problem and explain why the answer would be positive or negative.
The circle is actually a Describing Wheel. The site I downloaded it from no longer exists.
I used the same foldable in 2013. Here’s how it looked that year.
After using two-colored counters to derive the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers, I had my students create a four-door foldable to summarize the results of their findings.
Inside, we wrote the rules for each type of problem and included several examples of each for students to refer to.
Download Integer Operations Foldable Template
Click here to Download
4 Door Blank Shutter Foldable (PDF)
8368 downloads – 1.43 KB
I'm in love with a foldable! And yes, I just sung that to the tune of T-Pain's "I'm In Love with a Stripper…."
Aww, you used my function/not function cut and paste! I love this activity and when I gave my first quiz, I was so surprised how much they retained by completing the cut and paste vs. the worksheet I had always given before. Did it take more time? Yes, but it was worth it. It really slows them down to think about what they are doing vs. mindlessly circling answers on a worksheet. Glad to see it fit into your INB!
This looks fabulous. Congrats!
Thanks so much for sharing! I'm a homeschooler and love using foldables but after our move back to the states, hadn't picked back up with them, but want to now. The slope-line one is just what I needed this week, so I am happy I stumbled upon it.
Thank you so much for posting this!! (I saw this on pinterest.) You are such a blessing right now as I try and break down the simple math to someone I'm tutoring.
Glad I could be of assistance!
thank you for your help I am scrambling to help my 8th graders in my SRBI groups to have a central location to look up information they need. I love interactive notebooks
Glad I could help!
I am about to start my first year teaching. I would like to use the Frayer model for vocabulary words in our Interactive Notebooks. How do you decide which words to use? Or do you do them all?
Hi Andria! Congrats on getting ready for your first year of teaching! I think you're going to LOVE the Frayer model. I pick a few words each chapter that I deem essential and have my students do Frayer models over just those words. There's really no right or wrong way to do it. Some teachers have students do mini-Frayer models over each vocab word in the unit and create a sort of glossary. As you get to know your students, you will figure out what they need.
Good luck!
Do you still use the same distributive property foldable or have you upgraded? I can't wait to try the fast food idea in class :-). Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you have!!!!
I have actually stopped teaching the distributive property outright. We review it, but we don't actually make a foldable over it.
Hello! These interactive notebooks are GREAT! DO you have a page for factoring cubics?
Thanks! I don't have a page over factoring cubics because that's not a topic in our Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 classes. Good luck coming up with something!
What kinds of things might have gone in a unit pocket at the beginning of the units? I have been teaching for 10 years now. I started my career as a middle school math teacher, and I love foldables and interactive notebooks. During my first 5 years of teaching, I received my Master's degree to become a literacy specialist, so I have been doing that the last 5 years. However, the high school that I am working at needs me to teach one section of Algebra at a slower or different pace than others in the building, and I am wanting to do interactive notebooks again since I use them a lot in my reading classes. But I have never put pockets in the notebooks, so I was just wondering what kinds of things you put in the notebooks. Thanks. Stephanie
I planned on students using them to store homework, quizzes, etc. But, it didn't really work out. I haven't used them since my first year of INBs.
Are you willing to sell a copy of your interactive notebook?
Great ! Can I use some of your ideas?
You can use anything and everything!