Pythagorean Triple Posters
I created this set of free printable pythagorean triple posters to help decorate my new classroom.

I’m teaching Algebra 1, Trig, and Math Concepts (a class for 9th graders not yet ready for Algebra 1) this year.
As I was making a list of things my trig students need to review at the beginning of the year, the Pythagorean theorem popped into mind. And, I instantly decided I wanted to make a poster of Pythagorean triples.
I also read that some people call them “Pythagorean Triplets.” How cute is that?!?
I made a Title Poster that is a full letter-sized sheet of paper. The Pythagorean triple posters are printed four-to-a-page.
Full disclosure: These are not ALL of the triples that exist. That would be impossible to list. Instead, I chose to list all of the Pythagorean triples that contain values less than 100.
I specifically designed the posters so that you can print them on four different colors of paper for some color variation. If you arrange them numerically by the first digit in the triple, they’ll make a pretty pattern.
Of course, you could also print them all on a single color if that’s more your style.
Free Download of Pythagorean Triple Posters
Click here to Download
Pythagorean Triple Posters (PDF)
2139 downloads – 677.48 KB
Click here to Download
Pythagorean Triple Title (PDF)
1791 downloads – 119.82 KB
If you download the editable Publisher file, you’ll also need to download the font Wellfleet. If you don’t want to mess with fonts, there’s a PDF version for you, too!
Want more posters for your math classroom? Check out my posters page.
I'm a brand new teacher (but old mommy) and have been loving your blog. Middle school math is my target; just got done teaching summer school, and holding out for my own classroom in the fall. I really enjoy your pythagorean triple poster, and am wondering if you can make the colors work in your favor. For instance, did you know that the ones that you have starting with 3, 9, 5, 11, 7, and 13 all follow the same rule? (I did not…my son observed the pattern and described it to me – when he was in 7th grade.) The rule: for any odd number 3 or larger, square the number, divide by two, round up and down to whole numbers to get your triple. For example 7: 7^2=49, 49/2=24.5. 7, 24, 25 is a triple. My point being you could put all those on the same color and challenge students to find the pattern. Makes me want to research if the others fall into rules like that one!!!
Very creative idea!