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Angle Mazes by Naoki Inaba

These Angle Maze Puzzles from Naoki Inaba challenge students to find a path through a maze by being able to recognize common angle measurements. Draw a path through the maze from S to G. Each time you pass through a numbered circle, the path must form that angle in degrees.

angle maze puzzles by naoki inaba

This summer, I blogged about a great number of logic puzzles created by Naoki Inaba (a prolific Japanese puzzle maker) for use in math classrooms.  Most recently, I blogged about his Zukei Puzzles which many of you have used in your own classrooms.  

After a twitter conversation today about Naoki Inaba’s Angle Mazes, I decided to translate the rules to English and condense them into fewer pages since so many of you seemed to find that useful with the Zukei Puzzles!

Angle Maze Puzzles by Naoki Inaba

Here is the instructions for the Angle Mazes as provided by Naoki Inaba.

Inaba also provides an example of what not to do and what you should do.

The first example will be incorrect if you continue following the arrow to complete the path.  You are  not allowed to use any circle more than once.

Here is how I translate the rules:

Angle Mazes by Naoki Inaba

The original file included 38 problems for students to solve spread over 7 pages (8 pages including instructions.)  I have condensed the puzzles to fit on 5 pages.  

The last two puzzles are rather large and had to be placed on the 5th page.  If you are content with having only 36 problems, you could just print the first four pages front and back and use only two pages.

I used these as a quick warm-up with my trig class yesterday, and my students really seemed to enjoy them.  My student aide in my trig class asked if I could print all of the puzzles for him.  

I think that means this puzzle is a winner!  If I taught geometry, I would definitely find a way to incorporate these into my class.  I think I will start using them as warm-ups in my Algebra 1 classes.

Angle Mazes by Naoki Inaba
Angle Mazes by Naoki Inaba
Angle Mazes by Naoki Inaba
Angle Mazes by Naoki Inaba

I’m looking forward to translating and making printer friendly versions of more puzzles soon.  

Digital Version of Angle Maze Puzzles

Kathy Henderson has created a Desmos version of these angle maze puzzles.

Free Download of Naoki Inaba’s Angle Mazes

You can find Inaba’s original Japanese version here.  Solutions are posted here.

I have uploaded my English Translated Versions below:

Angle Maze Puzzles by Naoki Inaba (PDF) (3169 downloads )

Angle Maze Puzzles by Naoki Inaba (Editable Publisher File ZIP) (1281 downloads )

Want more puzzles like this? Check out the page I created to highlight Naoki Inaba’s other excellent puzzles suitable for use in the math classroom.

Puzzle Solutions

I intentionally do not make answers to the printable math puzzles I share on my blog available online because I strive to provide learning experiences for my students that are non-google-able. I would like other teachers to be able to use these puzzles in their classrooms as well without the solutions being easily found on the Internet.

However, I do recognize that us teachers are busy people and sometimes need to quickly reference an answer key to see if a student has solved a puzzle correctly or to see if they have interpreted the instructions properly.

If you are a teacher who is using these puzzles in your classroom, please send me an email at sarah@mathequalslove.net with information about what you teach and where you teach. I will be happy to forward an answer key to you.

Not a teacher? Go ahead and send me an email as well. Just let me know what you are using the puzzles for. I am continually in awe of how many people are using these puzzles with scouting groups, with senior adults battling dementia, as fun activities in their workplace, or as a birthday party escape room.

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  1. Wow, thanks! I saw them on your Twitter last night and was intrigued. Am I assuming correctly that the x on the lines (starting in #7) means that you can't go that way?

  2. Sarah, do you have any of his books? Or are all of these puzzles downloaded from his website? – Wendy Menard

    1. I don't have any of his books. I have downloaded all of his puzzles off of his website. You might have to use Google Translate to help you navigate!

  3. I use these as entry tasks for my Geometry classes- one page per day. The kids love them. I also hide the author's name and the name of the puzzle because my resourceful and competitive students tend to google the answer keys… I will give credit to the author on the last day of our puzzling.

    1. I love this idea! Going to be teaching Geometry for the first time in a few years starting next week – thank you for starting me off!

    2. Great idea! I'd like to find a way to use logic puzzles as a warm-up in my Algebra classes for next year!

  4. Do you need to keep on the grey lines or can i (for instance) go straight down from S in puzzle one page one, or even diagonally in any of the first 6? Also am I missing something or is it impossible to deal with a 180 since this would send you back to the spot you'd just come from, therefore breaking the rule about going through twice?

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