
Categorical vs Quantitative Variables Hold-Up Cards Activity

I created these categorical vs quantitative variables hold-up cards to help me understand how well my statistics students were grasping the concepts of categorical and quantitative variables.

categorical vs quantitative variables hold-up cards activity

I based a lot of our lesson off of one of my favorite statistics books: Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data by Allan J. Rossman and Beth L. Chance.

Categorical vs Quantitative Variables Hold-Up Cards

This text has students classify variables as categorical or quantitative. If a variable is categorical, it then has students determine if the variable is binary. I created a template with cards that say Q (for quantitative) and (C/B) for categorical and possibly binary.

Categorical vs Quantitative Variables Hold-Up Cards

As we went through each variable, students held up whichever card they believed to be correct. I printed them on different colors so I could easily determine how the students had answered.

Categorical vs Quantitative Variables Hold-Up Cards

This activity led to some great discussions, and I’m glad that I gave all of my students a chance to answer each question instead of just listening to whichever student answered the quickest/loudest.

Categorical vs Quantitative Variables Hold-Up Cards

I have uploaded the files I created for these categorical vs quantitative variable hold-up cards. I have included a version that includes the binary distinction and a version without it since I know many textbooks focus solely on categorical vs quantitative.

More Activities for Teaching Categorical vs Quantitative Variables

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