Free Printable Grading List for Teachers
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I created this free printable grading list to keep track of all the assignments I need to grade and enter into our online gradebook system.
When the pandemic happened and almost all of my assignments went digital, I realized that I needed a plan in place to keep track of what has and hasn’t been graded. In the past, I had mainly relied on the papers piling up in my grading trays to remind me that I had assignments to enter in the gradebook.
This “To Grade” list lives in my lesson plan book, and it seems to be helping me feel more on top of this!
I designed a simple page in Microsoft publisher that says “To Grade” at the top and then has a whole bunch of blank lines to fill out.
I duplicated this so I have two columns of the same thing on the one sheet of paper.
I folded the sheet of paper in half (hot dog style) and punched it with my Staples arc punch to fit in my disc bound notebook. This lets me easily pop it in and out of my notebook as I need to.
Each time I write a new assignment or activity in my lesson plan book, I add a line to my “To Grade” list. Next to each entry, I add the hours of the day that correspond to that assignment. This really only applies to my Pre-Calculus classes since I teach Pre-Calculus 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 6th hour. This lets me mark off exactly which hours I have graded in case I get interrupted in the middle of grading.
As assignments are graded and entered into Power School (our online gradebook), I highlight the line on my list. Sometimes I opt not to put grades for various tasks into the gradebook. When this happens, I mark a line through the item to show that I am not grading it.
When the list gets too messy or too long, I can just pop it out and add a new list. I really like that the items are added in chronological order so I can tell exactly what I’ve been procrastinating the longest on. See that Desmos Getting to Know You assignment towards the top of my list? I decided today that I wasn’t going to grade it but just read the responses. It was a relief to be able to just mark it out and remind myself that I don’t have to grade EVERYTHING.