Getting to Know You Quiz

One of my favorite activities for the first week of school is a getting to know you quiz. I often announce to my students on the first day of school that there is going to be a quiz, and it will be graded. I let them panic a bit and think that I must be the world’s cruelest teacher. After all, it is the first day of school.

Then, I pass out the quiz. Here’s last year’s quiz:

Getting to Know You Quiz

When students insist that they can’t possible take this quiz because they don’t know me, I just ask them to make an educated guess. Usually the siblings of former students do the best on the quiz. I always give a piece of candy or some other sort of prize to the student who gets the most questions right.

I usually give students around five minutes to complete the quiz. Then, I go over the answers. Afterwards, I give students a chance to write a quiz about themselves for me to take. Last year’s students thought it super unfair that my quiz was free response while the quiz they were writing for me was multiple choice.

Getting to Know You Quiz

Warning – it always takes students a lot more time to write questions about themselves than you would expect! If you are trying to fit a lot into the first day of school, I would only have students write four questions about themselves.

Getting to Know You Quiz

I take each student’s quiz after school on the first day and return them first thing on the second day. Students love grading my answers with markers or highlighters. They are always sure to let me know just how well or how badly I did.

Some students are really tricky with their questions, and I frequently get 0 questions right on a students quiz. Kids do get weirded out by my lucky guesses, though. I often heard “How did you know that?!?”

Getting to Know You Quiz

I collected the “graded” quizzes back from the students to keep in my files for the rest of the year. I often like to flip through them later in the year

Here are a few examples of student written questions.

Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz
Getting to Know You Quiz

A Digital Version of the Getting to Know You Quiz

In 2020, due to COVID-related restrictions, I had my students write a single question about themselves in a Google form on the first day of school. I imported these questions into a Quizizz, and we had played a class-wide getting to know you quiz game on the second day of school.

Students really enjoyed answering each other’s questions.

Getting to Know You Quiz

Free Download of Getting to Know You Quiz Template

Feel free to download my getting to know you quiz and edit it to fit you and your classroom/students!

Getting to Know You Quiz (PDF) (7010 downloads )

Getting to Know You Quiz (Editable Publisher File ZIP) (6641 downloads )

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  1. Thank you so much for this! I just completed it with my 7-8 students, and they were thrilled that I was the one taking the test! (Lots of groans of “are we doing a test on the first day?” “No, the teacher’s the one taking the test!”) They tried to create lots of tough questions and enjoyed trying to stump me or give really funny possible responses. I would never have thought of this myself, so I am so grateful to have had an awesome first class with this task!

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