Halloween Math Activities
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Looking for fun Halloween math activities? Check out this collection of Halloween-themed activities, math lessons, puzzles, and games that you can download and use instantly in your middle school or high school classroom.

I had a lot of fun putting Halloween themed spin on some classic brainteasers to create some of these Halloween Puzzles that are suitable for use in elementary school, middle school, or high school math classrooms.
Hopefully this list gives you plenty of ideas for Halloween fun to share with your students.
Halloween Math Lessons
These Halloween math lessons are a great way to cover the content you need to teach and still have a bit of a fun spooky theme to your lessons while working on important math skills. Check out these halloween worksheets and other free halloween math activities.
Halloween Mystery Tangram Puzzle and Coordinate Plane Graphing Activity
This Halloween Mystery Tangram Puzzle combines two favorite math activities into one. This printable Halloween puzzle will have students both practicing plotting ordered pairs on the coordinate plane and solving a fun tangram puzzle using the resulting outline from the plotted ordered pairs.
Halloween Candy Tax Lesson
This fun Halloween theme analogy involving candy is the perfect way to introduce students to the concept of factoring out the greatest common factor of a polynomial. How many pieces of candy will students have to pay for the Halloween Candy Tax?
Halloween Math Mistakes Activity
Chris Luzniak shares a fun question he added to his quiz on Halloween: show the scariest math mistake you can make.
What a fun Halloween math activity!
Pumpkin Scatterplot Project
Have students bring in their pumpkins after Halloween so you can do a great hands-on scatterplot project from Austintacious Mathematics.
Is there a linear relationship between the circumference and weight of a pumpkin?
This would make a great activity for the day after Halloween when students don’t want to focus.
Candy Grab Lab for Linear Regression
In this fun candy-themed lesson, students use their math and investigation skills to figure out if there is a relationship between a person’s handspan and the amount of Halloween candy they can pick up at one time.
What a great math activity that students will love participating in!
Pythagorean Theorem Math Costume
Teaching the Pythagorean Theorem near Halloween? I have found the perfect costume for you!
Trick or Treat Venn Diagrams
Are your students having trouble understanding the difference between OR and AND in a venn diagram? Check out these Trick or Treat Venn Diagrams.
Desmos Linear Graphing Haunted House Project
Let your middle school or high school students put their linear graphing skills to the test by having them design a Haunted House in Desmos.
Wes Overton does a similar Desmos project he calls Halloween Houses.
Independent vs Dependent Variables: Ghosts in the Graveyard Game
Practice differentiating between independent and dependent variables with a fun game of Ghosts in the Graveyard.
The Ghosts in the Graveyard review game can be adapted for almost any math topic you can think of!
Practicing Calculus Vocabulary with Candy Graphs
Chris Bolognese shares a nifty way to use Google Search Trends to produce graphs of how frequently people are searching for things like “candy.”
I love his suggestion of how to use these graphs to practice calculus vocabulary such as increasing/decreasing and concavity.
Would You Rather Task with Pumpkins and Coins
Looking for a great thinking task? Check out this pumpkin-themed Would You Rather Task involving different sizes of pumpkins filled with various types of coins.
Halloween Puzzles for Middle School or High School
I love putting students in small groups around the holidays to work some fun puzzles. The best part is that most of these puzzles should use supplies you likely already have in your classroom!
9 Pumpkins Puzzle
This 9 Pumpkins Puzzle is sure to provide your students a fun Halloween themed math challenge. Without lifting your pencil, draw 4 straight lines that pass through all nine of the pumpkins.
Pentominoes Jack-o’-Lantern Puzzle
This jack-o’-lantern made from pentominoes is the perfect halloween puzzle for math class. In this math activity, students must work to arrange a standard set of twelve pentominoes to form a jack-o’-lantern. This activity is a free download.
Halloween Symbols Puzzle
This Halloween Symbols Puzzle challenges students to arrange four cards so that various numbers of symbols are visible on each card. This is a fun Halloween-themed version of a classic playing card puzzle.
Bat Tangram Puzzle
October is the perfect time to challenge students with this bat tangram puzzle! Tangrams are one of my favorite puzzles to use in the math classroom.
Halloween Triples Puzzle
Bring some spooky fun to your classroom or party with this fun Halloween triples word puzzle. Can you reassemble the trios of letters to form words related to Halloween?
Halloween Fill-In Puzzle
Can you place all of the spooky Halloween related words into the Halloween Fill-In Puzzle?
Witch Hat Pentominoes Puzzle
Looking for a fun Halloween puzzle? Check out this pentominoes witch hat puzzle from Simona Fiorentino.
Halloween Square Edge Matching Puzzle
Puzzle your students this Halloween with a spooky edge-matching puzzle. Can you assemble the pieces to form a 3×3 square where the pieces match along each edge?
8 Bats Halloween Puzzle
Looking for a fun and challenging Halloween puzzle? The Eight Bats Puzzle puts a seasonal spin on a classic chess puzzle from the 1800s.
Jack-o’-Lantern Square Edge Matching Puzzle
Celebrate spooky season with this free printable jack-o-lantern square Halloween logic puzzle. Can you assemble the pieces to form a 3×3 square where the pieces match along each edge?
Halloween Games
These Halloween games would make great math centers during the month of October!
Ghost Game
The Ghost Game is a fun two player game which involves coloring in or covering up ghosts arranged in a 5 x 5 grid. The player that colors in the last ghost loses.
This is such a fun halloween math game.
Picking Pumpkins Game
Looking for a quick game for the fall or Halloween season? Picking Pumpkins is a game for two players.
The game is easy to understand, quick to play, and full of mathematics to analyze. This game can be used anytime throughout the month of October.
If you had some halloween erasers, you could even use those to play this fun game!
Spider Web Tic Tac Toe Game
Spider Web Tic-Tac-Toe is a fun twist on the classic pencil and paper game for the Halloween season. Who will be the first to get four in a row on the spider web?
Halloween Art Projects
Pumpkin Jack-o-lantern Sliceform
Miscellaneous Halloween Activities and Resources
Spherical Geometry with Pumpkins
Chris Bolognese introduces his students to the field of spherical geometry by having them draw on top of pumpkins.
I sat through a similar lesson using balloons before, and my mind was BLOWN.
An Interesting Halloween Graph
Did you know that child pedestrian fatalities spike on Halloween?
What calendar date would have the least fatalities?
There are so many things you could explore with your students with this graph.
Tombstone Project
Get your students both embracing the spooky season and learning some math history with this fun tombstone project where they create tombstones for famous mathematicians.
Ideas for Department Halloween Costumes
Looking for a dress-up idea to involve your entire math department?
Trig or Treat?
Teaching trig? I am so inspired by this Trig or Treat shirt shared by Burnside Math.
Imaginary Number Jack-o-lantern
What other creative ways could you incorporate math symbols into a Halloween Jack-o-Lantern? Burnside Math uses square root of -1 for the “i’s”
School-Wide Halloween Tradition
Want to start a new tradition at your school? I absolutely love the idea shared by Allison Richards of having students decorate pumpkins to look like various teachers at the school.
I think my students would LOVE this!
I might have to make a paper-based version of this activity where students draw a jack-o-lantern design to represent various teachers.
Desmos Halloween Costumes
Casey shares a fun, quick Desmos slide where students have to design their own Halloween costume.
Halloween in Science Class
Physics Themed Halloween Costumes
I was incredibly inspired by this collection of physics themed Halloween costumes by a college physics professor.
It makes me wonder – could we come up with a mathematical version of this?
Periodic Table of Pumpkins
I am super impressed by the dedication that went into creating a Periodic Table of Pumpkins!