Graphing Ordered Pairs Graphic Organizer
I created this graphing ordered pairs graphic organizer to review the coordinate plane with my algebra students. I actually ended up using it with both my Algebra 1 and my Algebra 2 students.

In the future, I would like to make this into a booklet foldable and put practice problems inside. I would ask students to label ordered pairs and to draw and label ordered pairs that meet certain requirements.
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Graphing Ordered Pairs Graphic Organizer (PDF)
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Using this tomorrow! The kids get so excited to do "kid stuff" like foldable activities and fun worksheets.
The kids absolutely LOVED this!!! I had so much interaction once they got over the "we're coloring? We're in HIGH SCHOOL" thing. One thing I might add is the positive/negative signs for each quadrant. I didn't think of that but a student mentioned it and I was like, oh yeah! Great job! Also arrows on the print-out; that's something we push in Algebra I. Thank you SO MUCH for the resources! Class was so much more relaxed and fun as students tried to make the kangaroo. Even the students who are usually doing work on computers (remedial) wanted to give it a try! That's always an awesome feeling. Thanks again!!!