Math Joke of the Week Posters
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I started putting together these math joke of the week posters at the end of last school year. I’m super excited about how it turned out. I put the finishing touches on it this week, so I’m finally ready to share it with you guys.

I saw an idea on twitter a year or so ago (yes, I realize it’s a tweet from 2015, but I didn’t see it until 2018) where a teacher posted a daily joke for students in their classroom. It was actually featured in Monday Must Reads Volume 45.
I decided I wanted to do the same thing with math jokes. But, I wanted to do it on a weekly basis. I also knew if I didn’t pre-plan what all the jokes were going to be and prepare them all in advance that it would quickly become the “math joke of the month” or “math joke of the semester.”
I started collecting math jokes from various websites and typing them up in Google Slides. I have also collected these math jokes and created a page of math jokes if you just want to search for a specific math joke to use with your lesson. I also have a special page of just geometry jokes.
After I had almost 40 jokes, I printed them off and placed them in sheet protectors.
I printed the answers 4 to a page and cut them apart so they could be inserted in the sheet protector behind the joke.
Then, I assembled all of the sheet protectors with the jokes and answers in my new “Math Joke of the Week Binder.”
Now, I can easily pull out a new joke each week and place the old joke back into the binder.
I have a chalkboard coordinate plane in my classroom that I don’t use because I also have a smaller dry erase magnetic coordinate plane.
Last year, I just hung some posters on top of the chalk board and sort of used it as a bulletin board. It worked, but it didn’t look the nicest. This summer I got some bulletin board paper and taped over the coordinate plane.
Then, I used some colored tape I had in the cabinet to make a border around the edge. It doesn’t look perfect up close, but it looks so much nicer than it did last year.
Since it’s still magnetic, I’m planning on using this board to hang various things using magnets such as announcements, information from the office that I’m required to post, upcoming ACT dates, my math joke of the week, and whatever else I can think of.
I bought a set of 16 magnetic clips from Amazon to use to make it super easy to hang stuff on the board. They’re super strong, and I think they’re going to make it easy to change out stuff as necessary.
Once I had my first joke of the week hung up, I decided it was missing something. So I decided to design a sign to hang above it that says “Math Joke of the Week.” It also gives students instructions about how to find out the answer to the joke.
As you can see, students flip up the bottom of the sheet protector to reveal the joke’s answer.
Here’s next week’s math joke of the week.
It was super easy to grab the binder, take out the next sheet protector, switch the magnetic clips to the new sheet protector, and place the old joke in the back of the binder for next year.
You could even make it a student job to switch out the joke each week!
Free Download of Math Joke of the Week Posters
Interested in posting a math joke of the week in your own classroom?
Click here to Download
ALL Math Jokes (PDF – ZIPPED)
10938 downloads – 104.28 KB
Click here to Download
Math Joke of the Week Title Poster (PDF)
6307 downloads – 17.63 KB
Click here to Download
Math Joke of the Week Binder Cover (PDF)
3960 downloads – 10.29 KB
I’ve also posted the jokes as a Google Slides document.
Have a favorite math joke I didn’t include? Leave it in the comments, and I’ll type them up and add them to the files at a later date!
Some of the jokes I included are definitely targeted towards a high school audience (making mention of trig functions), so I’d like to add some more jokes so that there is a full year’s worth for elementary and middle school teachers as well!
Thanks so much for sharing this! What a fun idea.
Thank you!
Thank you for always creating and sharing these fun resources!
I LOVE your ideas and your passion for teaching and math!
Thank you.
I love this idea of including a joke of the week for the students to start their Monday's off with. Many of the jokes are math related and get the students thinking about what the answer could be before flipping to see it. I would love to incorporate this into my classroom as well as weekly puzzles for them to solve also. I agree that including fun into the classroom like this shows passion for teaching and also math which is something our students can look up to. I have seen different activities for students as well such as Pizzazz Puzzles for homework that have the students solve problems and use the answers to solve the riddle at the top of the page. I think this helps motivate students to want to complete the work so they can solve the riddle in the end. Great idea for the classroom!
I love your blog and come here regularly for ideas. Thank you for all the time and energy you put into sharing your ideas AND your resources. I have a question…for all the puzzles that you enlarge/recreate/make rabbits, HOW do you do that? Is there a web resource or do you just use a scanner or….something else? I guess I'm mainly thinking about the rabbits because they look just like the ones in the puzzle book. I'm amazed at all that you do.
Thank you for sharing!
These are pretty awesome. I did notice that the last file only has joke 37. 38-40 are missing. Also, do you have the title page as a google slide? Our school blocks the site you use to access the pdf files.
Great idea! Can you provide a link to either the google slides or a PDF document containing all of the jokes?
Thank you so much for sharing this. What a great idea…I can’t wait to use it. ❤️
Thank you, Mary!
Thank you for sharing! My students and I thank you~MIchelle
You are very welcome!
Thank you so much for all of the hard work that you do. I can’t wait to try it out with the kids!!
Thank you very for all your ideas and sharing this Math jokes! My students loved it…they look forward every week for the Math Jokes.
I started using this Math jokes in my class this school 2021!
Again, Thank you very much! – Caesar
Awesome! This is great to hear!