Monday Must Reads: Volume 19

Happy Monday! It’s a very happy Monday here in the Carter house because it is the first official day of Thanksgiving Break! I think the stress of this school year has been getting to me a bit. This weekend, I cried at least twice. My first tears came when I opened the refrigerator to find that the previous night I had placed the ice cream carton there instead of the freezer. My second bout of tears came while trying to do a physics problem that didn’t have a corresponding example in the book. So, here’s to a week of relaxing and not thinking about school as much as possible.

But, first, let’s talk about this week’s Must Reads. Then, I’m off to do dishes and make a new batch of soup.

monday must reads logo.

The 4C’s of Math Questioning

Sean Corey shares some posters which create a great visual for the 4 C’s of math questioning.

4 cs of math questioning posters.
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Turkey Square Puzzle

Looking for a fun thanksgiving activity? Elizabeth Carney shares a creative turkey puzzler.

turkey square puzzle.
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Linear Function Prompt

Kent Haines challenges his students with an interesting task. I need to take some time and think this one through myself!

linear function prompt tweet.
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Escape Room

Mr. Coster inspires with a fun looking escape room activity. This looks like a blast!

geometry escape room activity.
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Dice Puzzle

Bob Lochel poses an interesting puzzle that will most likely be showing up soon on my puzzle table.

dice puzzle.
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6x6 dice puzzle.
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Puzzle Data Collection

Jennifer Williams shares easy-to-implement data collection activities. I will definitely be stealing the time to complete a puzzle idea!

data collection activities with puzzles.
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data collection activities with puzzles.
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Real Number System Posters

Shelby Roth shares a photo of some awesome posters in her classroom that represent each different subset of the number system.

Real Number System Posters.
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Weight of Things Website

Primary Maths shares a website that has great potential for writing future math problems!

tweet re: weight of things website.
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Open Middle Inequalities Puzzle

Greta Bergman shares two new open middle style problems she has recently created. These look fab!

open middle inequalities puzzle.
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Absolute Value Inequalities Puzzle

absolute value inequalities puzzle.
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Thanksgiving Gratitude Bulletin Board

Mary Williams helped her students get in the Thanksgiving Spirit by creating a beautiful bulletin board to show off their gratitude.

thanksgiving gratitude bulletin board.
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Exponent Interactive Notebook Pages

Jae Ess is an expert when it comes to creating thoughtful and creative interactive notebook pages.

exponent interactive notebook pages.
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Electron Configurations with Paper and String

Miss Baird makes atomic structure come to life by combining two simple supplies: paper and string. I look forward to using this in chemistry!

modeling electron cofiguration with paper and string.
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Until next week, keep up the awesome sharing!

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