Monday Must Reads: Volume 75

How is it already Monday once again? I feel like the weekend just flew by. I hope you’ll join me today for Volume 75 of Monday Must Reads, my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas of (mostly) math teachers on twitter. My goal is that you will find at least one idea that inspires you in this week’s collection of inspiring tweets.

monday must reads

Recreating Flags with Inequalities

Teaching inequalities soon? Check out how Mark Kaercher is having students use linear inequalities to recreate flags in Desmos!

linear inequalities desmos flags of countries
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Desmos Tents and Trees Puzzle

Erick Lee has recreated the Tents and Tree puzzle in Desmos!

tents and trees puzzle desmos
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Obtaining Coal from Twinkies

This isn’t a topic or lesson I would ever have occasion to teach, but I love the creativity of this lesson on surface and underground mining using TWINKIES from Kelly Etheredge.

surface and underground mining using twinkies
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Tesselations Zine

Becky Warren shares a free printable “zine” on tesselations to color. When I used to do interactive notebooks with my students, we called these “poof books.”

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Product Game

Theresa Wills shares a google slides template for playing the Product Game.

product game
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Radian Pizza Activity

Kristan Morales shares a radian pizza activity.

radian pizza
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Counting Cubes Activity

Henk Reuling shares a new digital matching game that asks students “How many cubes are stacked here?”

matching game
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UKMT Problems

The UK Mathematics Trust has been posting some fun problems.

uk mathematics trust puzzle
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Exponential Decay Desmos Activity

Kurt Salisbury shares a Desmos activity to explore exponential decay. I’ve done this in the past with candy, so I’m excited to see a covid-friendly adaptation.

exponential decay desmos activity
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Pythagorean Proof

Ed Southall shares a clever Pythagorean proof made of pythagorean proofs.

pythagorean proof
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100 Square Units Area Activity

Jennifer Fairbanks shares her Desmos version of an activity that asks students to write their name so it has an area of exactly 100 square units.

Desmos activity
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!

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