Monday Must Reads: Volume 77

It’s the Monday before Spring Break, and man am I ready for a week off! This has definitely been an interesting school year to say the least. I hope you enjoy today’s new volume of Monday Must Reads, my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas shared by other (mostly) math teachers on twitter. It is my goal that you find at least one inspiring idea in each week’s round-up.

monday must reads

Biorhythyms Trig Lesson

Kristen Fouss shares the resources she created for a fun trig lesson on biorhythyms. This lesson idea has been on my Pre-Calc teaching radar for years. I need to actually sit down and play around with it myself.

trig lesson with biorhythms
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Visual Prompt for Introducing Systems of Equations

Nat Banting shares a great visual prompt for introducing systems of equations.

systems of equations opening task.
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Student-Created Examples of Exponential Growth and Decay

I like this lesson from Rik Rowe that has students create their own examples of exponential growth and decay.

student created examples exponential growth and decay.
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Subtraction Funeral

Here’s a lesson that students will never forget. Mrs. Coffill‘s students attended a funeral for the subtraction sign after learning that subtraction can be rewritten as addition of a negative.

subtraction funeral.
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WODB with Quarter the Cross

I love the Quarter the Cross task, and I love WODB (Which One Doesn’t Belong). So, I was super excited to see how Joel Bezaire combined the two into one activity.

quarter the cross wodb task.
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Domain and Range Random Graphing Game

I really like this random graphing game from Jacqueline. Students draw a card for the domain, a card for the range, and a third card which features another fact about the graph. Then, they must create the graph on whiteboards. Fun!

domain and range random graphing game.
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Perfect Square Trinomial Post-It Challenge

Mrs. Strole inspires with a post-it note hallway challenge. Just pick your favorite open middle problem and grab a few post-it notes, and you’ve got a fun activity to get students thinking.

perfect square trinomial post-it challenge.
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Jump Height Data Collection Activity

Mrs. Bevill‘s students are jumping to learn statistics. I like this activity of having different stations set up in the hallway to collect data. Signs tell students what action to perform. If you zoom into the photos, you can see dry erase boards set up by each station for students to write their result on. Now, COVID just needs to go away so we can share dry erase markers again!

data collection activity with jump height.
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Pi Day Relay

Also, this pi day relay activity from Mrs. Bevill looks like a lot of fun!

pi day relay chain activity.
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Symmetry Quilt Project

This Symmetry Quilt Project from Snyder Laws looks like a lot of fun! Plus, it’s instant room decoration!

symmetry quilt project.
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Math Open House Ideas

Christine Edwards shares some great ideas for setting up your math classroom for an open house. Zoom in on the individual pictures for more details!

ideas for math open house.
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Spot the Imposter Puzzle

Can you spot the imposter in this puzzling tweet from Khangela Kit?

Quadratics WODB

Chris Burke shares a WODB task for quadratics.

quadratics wodb task.
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!

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