Operations with Functions Foldable
I created this operations with functions foldable for my Algebra 2 students to complete and glue in their interactive notebooks. It’s my favorite lazy type of foldable.
I say foldable, but it’s really just a sheet of paper folded in half with practice problems inside. We like to call these “books” in my classroom.
I’ve got a few minutes before I head home for the weekend, so I want to sneak in a quick blog post. With the wedding coming up and grad school finishing soon, it seems like all of my free time (and blogging time!) has a way of vanishing into thin air.
I think this foldable is an improvement over my notes on this topic from previous years:
Free Download of Operations with Functions Foldable
Operations with Functions Foldable (PDF) (947 downloads )
Operations with Functions Foldable (Editable Publisher File ZIP) (793 downloads )