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Powers of i Task Involving Factorials

powers of i task with factorials

I really like this powers of i task involving factorials from Mark Dugopolski’s Elementary and Intermediate Algebra.

powers of i task involving factorials mark dugopolski
Source: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra by Mark Dugopolski
(2nd Edition Page 930)

Sadly, our Oklahoma standards do not include factorials, so the problem isn’t as accessible to my Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus classes as I would want it to be.

If your students also need help understanding factorials, I have created a printable factorials table and a factorials poster that students can reference.

I’ve been struggling for years to figure out how to save the interesting math problems I run across. I’ve decided that sharing is caring, and perhaps the best way to save these is to share them on my blog. So don’t be surprised if you start seeing more frequent, short posts involving a single math task or interesting exercise.

Mark Pickering

Friday 19th of February 2021

I believe I have found the answer to this question. What is the answer to it?

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