Quadratic Formula Tangram Puzzle
I was inspired by Journal Wizard to create a Quadratic Formula Tangram Puzzle for my Algebra 2 students to glue in their interactive notebooks.

To create the tangram puzzle, I printed a tangram square, wrote my message on top, cut the puzzle apart, and copied the pieces for my students to cut apart and glue in their notebooks.
I apologize for not having a printable version of this puzzle to share with you.
After gluing in the formula, we did a quadratic formula example to keep in our notebooks.
In subsequent years, I added a bit of color coding!
Looking for more quadratic formula teaching resources? This activity is featured in my collection of Fun Quadratic Formula Activities. You’ll find 12 more creative ideas for teaching the quadratic formula to your high school math students.
Do you have them also derive it from memory? I did a few cool things to help my students understand and memorize how to derive the quadratic formula.
Every night I gave my students homework on deriving it. The sheet had the derivation on the left with blanks to fill in and they had to explain each step on the right. I gave them this for a couple of weeks.
Every day at the beginning of class in their teams I had them derive it on a team whiteboard. After 5 minutes, I had them look at their notes to complete where they got stuck. By the end of week one most teams could derive it from memory.
I also gave a creative narrative writing assignment The Quadratic Formula and the Three Little Letters. Let me know if you want a copy of my writing assignment.
Just thought i would share my ideas since i so I miss teaching Algebra. :o)
Rock star!
My students loved this lesson! The song they wanted to memorize was the adaption from Adele's "Rolling in the deep". They even wanted to perform the song in front of the school for extra credit!
I learned it to the tune of "hail to the victors", the university of Michigan's fight song. This is especially odd as I grew up just outside of Columbus, OH, basically in the backyard of Ohio State.
Very cool!
Bam. You're awesome. My 8th graders quietly sat (they never quietly sit) and put their tangram together, glued it in their notebooks. I gave them the quadratic formula page on the way out the door. It's for bonus points. They will all know it by Monday. Thanks for taking the time to publish all of this!
Thanks Bridgett! Glad to hear this worked for you and your students!
Sarah… this is so great lol